Timeless Cigars
Most robust Cigars are usually Nicaraguan Blends, and this is a must-try smoke coming from Plasencia Cigars. The latest release of Ferio Tego Timeless Supreme 652T is a delicious Belicoso shape smoke!
These premium handmade cigars are made by Plasencia Family exclusively for Ferio Tego Cigars, and the Belicoso shape makes this smoke impossible to pass. These are unique blends for passionated cigar fans looking for complex and flavorful tobacco blends. They are made entirely of Nicaraguan tobacco to create a balanced box-pressed cigar.
Browse our collection or order yours today.
Our cigar shop is located in the Historic Downtown district of Hollywood, Florida. We take pride in our stonished selection of cigars. Our cozy cigar store is known worldwide in the cigar community! Our staff is friendly and knowable. While in Town, stopping by Cuenca Cigars is a must-do!