Most robust Cigars are usually Nicaraguan Blends, and this is a must-try smoke coming from Plasencia Cigars. The latest release of Ferio Tego Timeless Supreme 554 is a delicious, Robust shape Strongest Cigars smoke!
These premium handmade cigars are made by Plasencia Family exclusively for Ferio Tego Cigars, and the Robust shape makes this smoke memorable. Cigar Aficionados that like Box-Pressed Smoke will be delighted by these Nicaraguan Puro. The taste and aromas will be reminded forever!
Browse our collection or order yours today.
Located in Downtown Hollywood, surrounded by the nearby shops, restaurants, bars, and nightlife, the Shop becomes an amenity every night. The place where everybody stops by for a relaxed time with cigars and wine. Stop by Cuenca Cigars today! Grab one of these smokes and share over dominoes or just a simple time with other cigar fans.