Arturo Fuente Cigars
What makes a cigar unforgettable? Is it the craftsmanship? The story behind it? Or the rare privilege of owning a piece of history? With Fuente Fuente Heaven and Earth Opus X Scorpio Maduro, it’s all this and more.
Handcrafted by the legendary Carlos “Carlito” Fuente in the Dominican Republic, this spectacular cigar is sought after by connoisseurs worldwide. Each OpusX El Escorpion Maduro cigar is a celebration of premium tobacco, aged to perfection and delivered with unparalleled quality. Wrapped in a rich, dark Maduro leaf, it promises a sensory experience that indulges every puff.
This exclusive set includes 10 meticulously crafted cigars, presented in a stunning yellow travel humidor designed by Prometheus. Not only does this humidor keep your cigars in perfect condition on the go, but it also stands as a collector’s showpiece. Produced in limited quantities, these cigars are a treasure for any aficionado.
When you buy the Opus X Scorpio Maduro, you’re not just elevating your collection—you’re making a difference. A portion of every sale goes to the Cigar Family Charitable Foundation, supporting underprivileged children in Bonao, Dominican Republic. Here, your passion for cigars meets a meaningful cause.
Indulge in rarity. Elevate your collection. Secure this masterpiece today—but act quickly. With an extremely limited production, availability is scarce, and we allow only two cigars per customer. Order now before they’re gone!