E.P. Carrillo Cigars
The EP Carrillo Encore El Primero Cigar is the perfect cigar for the seasoned smoker and aficionado to experience the finest of craftsmanship in handmade cigars. Made in the Dominican Republic with a stunning Nicaraguan wrapper, binder, and filler, each 6 7/8 inch cigar is uniquely crafted with a 54-ring gauge Toro Gordo vitola; ensuring an evenly burning smoke every time you light one up. First released in March 2018 as a limited edition box of 10 cigars (upon release and then packaged with 20 Count Cigars), you'd be hard pressed to find these anywhere else.
A smoke truly fit for the connoisseur, Pérez-Carrillo Encore El Primero is smooth and full-bodied; presenting an enjoyable flavor blend of cocoa, pepper, cedar, nuts and sweet cream. The aromas coming off this cigar are rich yet consistently captivating through to the end. Plus, at Cuenca Cigars we offer free shipping on all orders $99 or more - so it's never been easier to add this amazing creation your humidor collection. So don't miss out - pick up your box of EP Carrillo Encore El Primero Cigars from our online store today!