Enclave Broadleaf by AJ Fernandez Toro Cigars are well-crafted premiums that showcase the merits of a typical AJ blend. These are handcrafted at FernandezÕs Nicaraguan factory in Esteli and utilises a Connecticut wrapper for the first time. These cigars are packed with Nicaraguan long fillers sourced from three regions, namely, Pueblo Nuevo, Esteli and Jalapa. They are bound by a Nicaraguan binder and enwrapped in a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. This results in a medium to full bodied smoke brimming with flavours and aromas. Notes of earth, cedar, black pepper and spices dance on the palate and keep the interest alive till the very last. Thick smoke, smooth burn further enhances the smoking experience. These Enclave Broadleaf by AJ Fernandez Toro Cigars are rolled in 6 1/2 x 54 sizes and packed in boxes of 20. Buy them at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.