Introducing El Triunfador Favoritos Petite Robusto Cigars, the epitome of excellence in premium hand-rolled cigars. Crafted by the legendary cigar maker Pete Johnson, this line of cigars combines old-world Cuban style with a modern twist, resulting in an unforgettable smoking experience.
Medium-bodied and carefully blended using only the finest Nicaraguan tobacco for the filler and binder, El Triunfador Favoritos Petite Robusto Cigars boast a flavor profile that is rich, complex, and exquisitely balanced. Every puff takes you on a journey through layers of flavor, leaving you captivated from start to finish.
What truly sets these cigars apart is the exceptional construction. Each cigar is meticulously crafted, ensuring a perfect draw and an even burn. The distinctive El Triunfador band featuring a beautiful Cuban triple-cap adds a touch of elegance to the smoking experience, making it a true triumph.
But it doesn't stop there. The El Triunfador cigars feature a variety of wrappers, each offering its own unique flavor profile. The Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper lends a delightful complexity to the smoke, with delicate hints of nuts, cedar, and a subtle sweetness dancing on your palate. For those seeking a more earthy profile, the El Triunfador Lancero Limited broadleaf utilizes the United States-sourced Connecticut broadleaf, delivering a robust and satisfying experience.
Whether you are a seasoned cigar connoisseur or a curious enthusiast, the El Triunfador Favoritos Petite Robusto Cigars are sure to impress. Each box contains 25 cigars, guaranteeing an ample supply to indulge in or share with fellow aficionados. Our expansive collection offers a range of sizes to suit every preference, including the Original Lancero - Broadleaf and Original Robusto - Broadleaf.
Step into the realm of luxury and sophistication with our coveted El Triunfador line. Order your box today, and let the triumphant flavors of these extraordinary cigars redefine your smoking experience. Elevate your senses, indulge in perfection, and savor every moment. When it comes to premium cigars, El Triunfador is the ultimate victory.
Handmade: | Y |
Country of Origin: | Nicaraguan |
Shape: | Short Robusto |
Size: | 4 x 50 |
Strength: | medium |
Wrapper: | Ecuadoran Habano |
Binder: | Nicaraguan |
Filler: | Nicaraguan |
Box Cigar Count: | 25 |
Is Box-Pressed: | N |
Is Long-Filler: | Y |
Is Discontinued: | N |
Tube: | N |
Is Limited: | N |
Is Flavored: | N |