EIROA Cigars
EIROA CBT Maduro Gordo Cigars are unique cigars designed by Christian Eiroa with his years of experience. This cigar, originated from Honduras, boasts triple Maduro tobaccos giving it a rich, bold profile. Crafted in the Christian Eiroa Aladino Factory, these cigars comprise of long filler, binder and wrapper which are collected from the top priming of the tobacco plants. This not so easy concoction delivers a full bodied smoke which is satisfying as well as laden with complex flavors. Notes of espresso, dark chocolate, wood, pepper dances on the palate till the cigar ends with a long, meaty finish. The EIROA CBT Maduro Gordo Cigars are made in the size of 6x60. They come in set of 20 packed in distinguished boxes. To buy these premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.