Are you searching for a milestone in cigar making? Experience the E.P. Carrillo 15 Year Anniversary Cigar, a true masterpiece in the world of cigars. Crafted to honor Ernesto Perez-Carrillo’s legacy of innovation, this Gran Toro-sized cigar is more than just a smoke—it's a symbol of dedication and mastery.
Imagine indulging in a cigar that tells a story. With meticulously aged tobaccos, including a 15-year-old Nicaraguan Jalapa binder and a 10-year-old San Andrés Mexican wrapper, this blend offers a rich, complex flavor profile. Can you taste the layers of smoothness and balance only age can bring?
With just 5,000 boxes crafted, these cigars are rare treasures. Priced at $20 each and available as singles online, this is your chance to own a piece of history. Don't let this opportunity slip away—savor a blend that embodies E.P. Carrillo's renowned artistry.
“This cigar represents our journey over the last 15 years,” says cigar legend Ernesto Perez-Carrillo. With accolades like Cigar of the Year and a place in the Hall of Fame, his expertise shines through every handcrafted detail. Ready to add this masterpiece to your collection? Act now before this extraordinary blend is gone forever.