Welcome to the world of luxury, where the scent of finely aged tobacco intertwines with the smooth notes of premium bourbon. The realm we are about to explore is one where time-honored craftsmanship meets the refined palate - the world of Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Cigars and their perfect bourbon pairings.
The Elite Selection
In the exquisite realm of Pappy Van Winkle, there are a few standout selections that cater to every discerning palate. Each of these selections carries the stamp of Pappy Van Winkle’s unique aging process, where Kentucky fire-cured tobacco is carefully fermented in bourbon barrels for up to 18 months, resulting in a flavor profile that is both sophisticated and distinctive.
Here are the best selections for every occasion:
Best for those short on time: Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Robusto Cigars - Aged 7 Years. These cigars are short and fat, perfect for a rich and satisfying smoke that can be savored in under an hour.
Best for a leisurely indulgence: Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Churchill Cigars - Aged 7 Years. With their seven-inch length and forty-eight-ring gauge, these cigars promise a long-lasting experience that can be enjoyed over a leisurely hour or more.
Best for a robust experience: Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Toro Cigars - Aged 7 Years. These cigars, with their six-inch length and fifty-two-ring gauge, promise a robust experience for the true cigar aficionado.
Best for Cigar Enthusiasts: Van Winkle Family Reserve Cigars. These cigars, crafted with the finest tobacco blends, are the ultimate choice for cigar enthusiasts who appreciate complexity and depth in their smoking experience.
Pairing Ultra-Premium Choice: Pappy Van Winkle 20 Year Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. This bourbon, with its distinct character and smooth notes, is the perfect accompaniment to any Pappy Van Winkle cigar.
Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Robusto Cigars - Aged 7 Years
Length: 5.25 inches
Ring Gauge: 52
Unique ‘tapa negra’ style wrapper
Distinct aroma and flavor profile
Excellent pairing with fine whiskey
A unique smoking experience awaits with the Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Robusto Cigars. Their distinguishing features are:
Use of a barrel-fermented ‘tapa negra’ style wrapper over a Mexican San Andres base wrapper
Aged Nicaraguan tobacco
Distinct aroma and flavor profile, characterized by notes of nutty almond paste
But what really sets these cigars apart is their perfect pairing with always fine bourbon. A glass of fine whiskey such as Pappy Van Winkle’s Family Reserve is all you need to elevate your smoking experience to new heights.
Hand-rolled by the artisans at Drew Estate in Estelí, Nicaragua, these cigars incorporate traditional techniques and uphold stringent quality control. The flavor characteristics of these cigars include:
Tanned leather
Charred aged oak
Barnyard manure
With a sweet taste composed of caramel and vanilla notes, these cigars make an excellent pairing with fine whiskey. The early flavors of tanned leather and charred aged oak also pair well with the complimentary flavors of rye whiskey, as if honey joined the mix to create a harmonious blend.
Price: 4/5
Quality: 5/5
Flavor: 5/5
Overall: 4.5/5
Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Churchill Cigars - Aged 7 Years
Length: 7 inches
Ring Gauge: 48
Unique barrel fermentation process
Multifaceted flavor profile
Excellent pairing with Pappy Van Winkle whiskey
The Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Churchill Cigars initiate an unmatched sensory journey. These cigars stand out for their unique barrel fermentation process, where Kentucky fire-cured tobacco is soaked in Pappy Van Winkle bourbon barrels for up to 18 months. This process infuses the cigars with the flavors of the bourbon, resulting in a distinctive smoky and sweet profile that is both complex and captivating.
The flavor characteristics of these cigars include:
The profile is opulent, ranging from medium-plus to medium-full in flavor with a slightly less intense strength. The cigars are designed to be enjoyed with a glass of American whiskey, such as Pappy Van Winkle’s Family Reserve.
These Churchill cigars have received positive reviews and a rating of 92, demonstrating their smooth, flavorful, and medium to full-bodied characteristics, and affirming their esteemed reputation among cigar enthusiasts. They are an excellent choice for an after-dinner libation and pair exceptionally well with the luxurious Pappy Van Winkle whiskey.
Price: 4/5
Quality: 5/5
Flavor: 5/5
Overall: 4.5/5
Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Toro Cigars - Aged 7 Years
Length: 6 inches
Ring Gauge: 52
Robust size for a full-bodied smoking experience
Unique blend of Mexican and Indonesian tobacco
Excellent pairing with American whiskey
Experience a robust and full-bodied smoke with the Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented Toro Cigars. These six-inch cigars, with their fifty-two ring gauge, are combined with the finest Mexican and Indonesian tobacco and hand-rolled by Drew Estate in Estelí, Nicaragua. The result is a cigar that is both complex and satisfying, delivering a rich flavor profile that is sure to delight any cigar enthusiast.
These cigars stand out for their ‘barrel fermented’ ‘tapa negra’ wrapper over a Mexican San Andres base wrapper, in addition to the aged Nicaraguan filler tobacco fermented in barrels for 12-18 months, and the precise, small-batch hand-rolling process at Drew Estate. The flavor profile includes cayenne-like pepper, charred oak, aged leather, vanilla, and cinnamon, directly resulting from the 7-year aging process.
The Mexican tobacco imparts a robust and earthy essence to the cigars, complemented by the Indonesian tobacco, which introduces heightened intricacy and depth to the blend, ultimately enhancing the distinctive flavor profile. These cigars are designed to be enjoyed with a glass of American whiskey, such as Pappy Van Winkle’s Family Reserve.
Price: 4/5
Quality: 5/5
Flavor: 5/5
Overall: 4.5/5
Best for Cigar Enthusiasts - Van Winkle Family Reserve Cigars
Unique barrel fermentation process
A blend of finest tobacco from around the world
Excellent pairing with Pappy Van Winkle whiskey
For cigar enthusiasts who appreciate complexity and depth, the Van Winkle Family Reserve Cigars are an ideal choice. These cigars are:
Crafted with the finest tobacco blends, including the Van Winkle Special Reserve
Meticulously harvested and sent to Louisiana for barrel fermentation
Undergo a fermentation process that lasts 12-18 months to achieve the fullest flavor possible
Meticulously crafted at Drew Estate’s factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, in collaboration with Pappy & Company
The tobacco blends incorporated in Van Winkle Family Reserve Cigars consist of a barrel-fermented tapa negra-style wrapper over a Mexican San Andres base wrapper, along with aged Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers. The result is a flavorful and aromatic cigar that pairs perfectly with Pappy Van Winkle whiskey, making it the ultimate choice for the discerning cigar enthusiast.
Price: 4/5
Quality: 5/5
Flavor: 5/5
Overall: 4.5/5
Pairing Ultra-Premium Choice - Pappy Van Winkle 20 Year Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
Deciphering the Pappy Van Winkle Cigars Legacy
Spanning generations, the rich legacy of Pappy Van Winkle cigars and bourbons stands as a testament to a tradition of excellence and skill. The Pappy Van Winkle’s Family Reserve is the flagship brand of bourbon whiskey under the ownership of the ‘Old Rip Van Winkle Distillery company, symbolizing a rich tradition of excellence and skill that adds to the heritage of Pappy Van Winkle cigars.
Distilled and bottled at the Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky by the Sazerac Company, the Pappy Van Winkle’s whiskey maintains a high standard. The careful distillation process, which employs an expensive distilling method, and the specific location reflect the dedication to maintaining high standards and excellence, which aligns with the production of Pappy Van Winkle cigars and Van Winkle bourbons. This is a testament to their distilling know-how.
Pappy Van Winkle’s whiskey enjoys a global reputation as one of the finest bourbons, a standing supported by its high ratings and prestigious awards. This outstanding reputation enhances the allure and status of Pappy Van Winkle cigars, thereby contributing to their esteemed legacy.
The world of Pappy Van Winkle cigars and bourbons is one of luxury, tradition, and an unwavering commitment to quality. From the unique barrel fermentation process to the meticulous hand-rolling techniques, every step in the creation of these cigars is a testament to the art of cigar making. Whether you’re a cigar enthusiast or a bourbon connoisseur, the Pappy Van Winkle selection offers an indulgent experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression.