Dona Nieves Cigars
Dona Nieves Nievita Cigars are beautiful handmades blended by Felix Mesa, a Cuban master blender equipped with generations of experience in cigar making. His factory in Esteli, Nicaragua produces some of the finest cigars in the market and that too at a very tempting price. These cigars are packed with choice Nicaraguan tobaccos enwrapped in an Oscuro wrapper. They burn smoothly with an easy draw backed by its fine craftsmanship. The palate experiences the flavours of pepper aplenty accompanied by cream, chocolate, fruit and baking spices. The body strength begins with medium but gradually gains momentum ending in a full bodied profile. The Dona Nieves Nievita Cigars are 5 1/2 x 50 in size and come in boxes of 24. To buy these stogies with evolving flavours place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.