Don Pepin Garcia Blue Invictos Cigars was one of the first blends by Don Pepin Garcia. The cigar is originated from the Nicaragua. Over all these years this is a blend that still wins hearts delivering a great smoke. The cigar is dressed using a Corojo-Oscuro wrapper aged till perfection. It gives the cigar a strong, rich blend and creamy white smoke. This cigar uses a blend of Nicaraguan filler leaves along with a native binder. The Don Pepin Garcia Blue Invictos Cigars start with a blast of pepper and some wood notes with some chocolate and orange traces in the background. It is smooth, well-balanced all the way through to the end presenting a consistent burn. They are made in a Robusto shape and with medium to full body measuring 5 x 50 in size. They are usually packed in boxes of 24. To buy these premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.