Don Pepin Garcia Blue Generosos Cigars are of Nicaraguan origin which is home to many famous cigar brands. Manufactured by My Father Cigar Company, they are bold and flavourful having a balanced blend. They feature Nicaraguan filler leaves of premium quality. Along with the filler a native binder gives the cigar a solid feel. The cigar is made complete using a special Corojo-Oscuro wrapper. The Don Pepin Garcia Blue Generosos Cigars features a variety of flavours. Pepper, clove, wood leather, coffee, cedar, and earth were all present in the Generosos. Adding to the complexity was a bitter-sweet chocolate finish with a creamy and satisfying smoke. With a size of 6 x 50 these hand rolled cigars have a Toro shape. They come in boxes of 24 cigars. To buy these premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.