This cigar is a special edition of the Don Pepín García brand's popular Blue Label cigar, created to celebrate the brand's 20th anniversary.The filler features pelo de oro, which is a unique ingredient found in the company's limited edition blends. The cigars will be available in 5,000 boxes, with 3,900 of those heading to retailers in the United States and the remaining 1,100 going to international markets. Although the cost is estimated to be approximately $40, the final price has yet to be determined.
Cigar details: cigar brand is Don Pepín García 20th Anniversary and it is made from Habano 2000 wrapper, binder, and filler from Nicaragua. The cigar size is 6 1/2 inches by 52 ring gauge. A total of 100,000 cigars were produced, divided into 5,000 boxes of 20 cigars each. Pre-Order them Now!