My Father Cigars
For cigar fans searching for their newest must-have, the search is over with Don Pepín García's 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Cigars. Created to celebrate Don Pepín García's two decades of excellence, these cigars are like no other, featuring the company's coveted "Pelo de Oro" filler blended into to create an experience unlike any other.
High-end aficionados can expect the highest quality craftsmanship from this cigar, with Habano 2000 wrapper, binder, and filler from Nicaragua. Amazingly, the smaller size 6 1/2 inches by 52 ring gauge packs an incredible taste that will delight the taste buds. Every box contains 20 cigars, and with only 5,000 boxes being made available in the United States, plus an additional 1,100 headed to international markets, these cigars are sure to be a sought-after item. The estimated cost of the cigars is $40, but the remarkable experience they'll provide is priceless.
Don Pepín García's 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Cigars are simply a must-have for any cigar connoisseur. Get them before they're gone-- pre-order yours today and experience a unique and unforgettable smoking experience like no other.