Don Diego by Altadis
Don Diego Cigars enjoy the reputation of being the first cigar made in Canary Islands after the Cuban Embargo. Made by the Altadis USA, these Dominican puros are one of the most trusted cigars by the smoke lovers all over the world. Don Diego Cigars fine premium cigars are made using Dominican filler and binder which offer a mellow taste. They are wrapped in a flavorful, smooth, silky Connecticut wrapper that enhances their visual appeal. Don Diego Cigars are mild in body yet creamy in texture which is accompanied by amazing aroma and all of them together provide a very satisfying smoking experience. The available sizes of these classic puros are Corona (44 x 5 1/2"), Robusto (52 x 5"), Coronas Major (44 x 5 1/2"), Grande (52 x 6"), Lonsdale (44 x 6 5/8") and Churchill (54 x 7").