Diesel Cigars
Welcome the Diesel Fool’s Errand Stubborn Fools cigars. Each handmade cigar is crafted and perfected to deliver a delicious smoke that you will want to share and enjoy by yourself. These Nicaraguan-made cigars are composed of a Connecticut broadleaf wrapper, fillers from Honduras and Nicaragua, as well as a Jamastran Valley binder from Honduras, delivering subtle notes of spice with an earthy underlay. Every perfecto is 5 inches long, with a 58-ring gauge, bundled into boxes of 10.
The flavors of these cigars are a mix of robust and creamy notes, making them enjoyable anytime--whether sharing with friends or relaxing in the evening. The Connecticut broadleaf wrapper brings notes of sweetness while the Honduran tobacco gives hints of nuttiness. Regardless if you're an experienced cigar smoker or just getting started, Diesel Fool's Errand Stubborn Fools' cigars will not disappoint!
Now when ordering through Cuenca Cigars make sure you take advantage of our free shipping on orders $99 plus! When looking for premium handmade smokes at very attractive prices, look no further than Cuenca Cigars where we have the best deals for all your cigar needs! What are you waiting for? Get your hands on Diesel Fool’s Errand Stubborn Fools cigars today!