
Deadwood Sweet Jane | Single Cigars Online

Country of Origin:
5 x 46
Box Cigar Count:

Sweet Jane Cigar Price: Deadwood Sweet Jane

Deadwood Sweet Jane Corona Size Cigars Online

Deadwood Sweet Jane 5 x 46, Corona Size is a mild Deadwood Cigar that is sold in single cigars online and hails from the country of Nicaragua. Sweet Jane is a premium cigar that presents with a shaggy closed foot and features dark, rich, full flavors punctuated by chocolate, earth, black pepper, and baking spice. Cigar prices for Sweet Jane are competitive, offering great value for its quality.

Drew Estate produces it for Deadwood Tobacco Company, known for its unique blends and Nicaraguan fillers, which are high-quality tobacco. It is a Corona shape, measuring 5 inches long by 46 ring gauge. As you light up this cigar, you’ll be met with a smooth and mellow flavor that features gentle notes of sweet cedar, earth, and even a slight hint of cocoa, making it one of the finest aromatic cigars. With its excellent construction and easy draw, Sweet Jane is sure to leave you wanting more! If you’re looking for a mild cigar that packs a lot of flavor into every puff, then Deadwood Sweet Jane is the one for you! Get your hands on this great smoke today – you won’t regret it! Deadwood Tobacco Company located is South Dakota is owned by Vaughn Boyd. They were made to appeal cigars to appeal to motorcycle riders. Yummy Bitches were initially sold locally before going national in 2016. Deadwood Tobacco Company is known for its unusual Vitolas.

Overview of Deadwood Sweet Jane Cigars

Deadwood Cigar Sweet Jane has carved a niche for themselves among cigar aficionados thanks to their distinctive flavor profile and impeccable construction. As a proud member of the Deadwood Cigars lineup, Sweet Jane cigars are meticulously crafted to deliver a smooth and gratifying smoking experience. Yummy Bitches are not considered infused cigars.

Originating from Nicaragua, the Sweet Jane cigar boasts a Corona shape, measuring 5 inches in length with a 46 ring gauge. This mild cigar is a symphony of flavors, featuring sweet cedar, earthy undertones, and a subtle hint of cocoa. It’s an ideal choice for those who appreciate a mild cigar that doesn’t compromise on flavor. The cigar boom significantly contributed to the rise in popularity of Sweet Jane cigars.

The construction of the Sweet Jane cigar is nothing short of excellent. Each cigar is made from the finest tobacco, carefully selected and aged to perfection. The result is an easy draw and a smooth, aromatic smoke that delights the senses.

Part of the renowned “Four Yummy Biches” lineup, which includes Leather Rose, Sweet Jane, Sweet Baby Jane, and Fat Bottom Betty, the Sweet Jane cigar stands out for its quality and flavor. This lineup is celebrated for its high-quality and flavorful cigars, making it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts.

In summary, the Deadwood Sweet Jane cigar is a must-have for anyone seeking a mild cigar with a rich flavor profile. Its exceptional construction, smooth smoke, and unique taste make it a standout choice for both seasoned cigar aficionados and newcomers alike.

How is Sweet Jane from Deadwood Cigar made?

Deadwood Cigars, known for their unique flavor and smoking experience, produce Sweet Jane’s 6-month-old tobacco products, a premium cigar crafted for a truly satisfying smoking experience. This cigar is produced by the renowned Drew Estate, known for its art and avant-garde cigar-making techniques. Made from premium tobacco aged for 6 months, this cigar is sure to delight most cigar enthusiasts. Using carefully selected tobacco leaves, it has unique taste and aroma that are carefully blended for the production of smooth, aromatized cigars. Sweet Jane Cigars have a sweet, smooth flavor and should delight anyone that likes light cigars.

What are the notes on Sweet Jane?

Taste note Sweet Jane Cigar 5 x 46, started the day with some leftover sweetness from a pre-light draw, characteristic of flavored cigars. It has coffee, chocolate and cedar notes in it. In the first phase, the dominant flavors were coffee, chocolate and residual sugar. April 14, 2020.

Fat Bottom Betty's Flavor Profile

Fat Bottom Betty is part of the Three Yummy Bitches line of Drew Estate cigars, each named after a sister with distinct characteristics and origins. I guess Fat Bottom Betty has some fat bottoms, right? But that fat bottom is Crazy Alice. Fat Bottom Betty is a densely packed sweet stogie featuring a fat Maduro wrapper double cap and a sweet tip, making it one of the premium cigars in the lineup. Cold draws offer sweet chocolate notes like tasty hot cocoa. The flavor of the cigar is based entirely on tobacco. Despite being very flavorful it does have an aroma. I might smell cocoa, black pepper, and caramelized sugar. Fat Bottom Betty has an oily peppery taste visible on the lips or tongue tip.

What makes a Deadwood Sweet Jane cigar sweet?

The Deadwood Sweet Jane, a medium-to-full-bodied delight, derives its natural sweetness from a blend of aromatic and exotic tobaccos, complemented by a Maduro wrapper. Aged for six months, this cigar showcases a lingering sweet tip or a head sweetness that gradually fades, offering a unique smoking experience. The review’s title of these cigars should start with Honey!

Cigar prices often reflect the quality of the Sweet Jane cigar, making it a worthwhile investment for enthusiasts.

Deadwood Sweet Jane is a mild cigar

What is the best sweet cigar from Deadwood Brand?

While the variety of sweet cigars has expanded significantly in the past decade, Sweet Jane stand out as one of the best sweet cigars on the list.

How much is a premium cigar on the list of Tobacco Products?

The cigar prices of premium cigars have surged following the Covid-19 pandemic, leading to what some are calling a new cigar boom. With factories closed for extended periods, warehouses nearly depleted their cigar stocks. The scarcity of rollers and tobacco further contributed to the price hikes. Previously $5 cigars are now twice as expensive, reflecting the challenges faced in the industry due to the pandemic.

My Thoughts on Deadwood Sweet Jane tobacco Products.

Drew Estate Deadwood Sweet Jane and a scotch

Sweet Jane is part of the Yummy Bitches Collection by Drew Estate. This collection features Sweet Jane, Crazy Alice, Fat Bottom Betty, Leather Rose, and limited editions like Girl with No Name and Dia de los Muertos.

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From the moment I pick up the “Sweet Jane” cigar, one of the finest tobacco products, I know I’m in for an extraordinary experience. Its silky wrapper feels luxurious between my fingers, promising a journey of indulgence and refinement.

As I bring the cigar to my lips and ignite the tip, the air fills with a tantalizing aroma that instantly captivates me. The blend of cedar, leather, and a subtle sweetness creates a symphony for my senses, signaling the beginning of something special.

With each draw, I’m greeted with a complexity that unfolds gradually, like unwrapping layers of a precious gift. The initial spiciness gives way to a creamy texture that envelops my palate in a luxurious embrace. I can taste hints of cocoa and espresso, mingling with the earthy richness of aged tobacco. It’s a harmonious blend of flavors that evolves with every puff, keeping me engaged and intrigued until the very end.

The construction of the cigar is impeccable, a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the master blender. The burn is even and steady, allowing me to savor every moment without interruption. The ash holds firm, a silvery testament to the quality of the tobacco and the care taken in its creation. Click on Review Write to add your thoughts about the popular Yummy Bitches by Drew Estate.

As I reach the halfway point, the intensity builds, reaching a crescendo of flavor that leaves me craving more. The strength of the cigar asserts itself, but never overwhelms, inviting me to explore its depths further.

Reluctantly, I extinguish the cigar, but the memory of “Sweet Jane” lingers on. It’s more than just a cigar; it’s a memory, a moment frozen in time, waiting to be relived with each subsequent smoke. It’s a testament to the artistry and passion that goes into creating the perfect cigar, and a reminder of the simple joys that make life worth living.

I started carry Deadwood Sweet Jane at the request of a few customers. After a few weeks the locals at the shop started recommending it to each other. As the word spread around throughout my cigar member lounge in Hollywood FL my stock began to run low. I now have to order twice as many to keep up with the demand.

The demand for Deadwood Sweet Jane cigars is nothing short of remarkable, fueled by its reputation for excellence and the unforgettable experience it offers cigar enthusiasts. From seasoned connoisseurs to curious newcomers, everyone clamors to get their hands on this coveted cigar.

The allure of Sweet Jane lies in its impeccable craftsmanship and unparalleled flavor profile. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted with the finest tobacco leaves, ensuring consistency and quality with every puff. Its smooth wrapper, infused with hints of sweetness, beckons enthusiasts seeking a truly indulgent smoking experience.

Moreover, Sweet Jane’s popularity is also attributed to its unique blend of flavors. With notes of cedar, leather, cocoa, and espresso, it offers a symphony of tastes that captivates the palate and leaves a lasting impression.

As word spreads about the unparalleled pleasure of smoking a Deadwood Sweet Jane, demand continues to soar. Cigar shops struggle to keep it in stock, and enthusiasts eagerly anticipate its arrival, often pre-ordering to secure their supply.

In the world of cigars, Deadwood Sweet Jane stands out as a beacon of excellence, a testament to the artistry and passion of its makers. Its high demand is not just a reflection of its quality but also of the profound impact it leaves on those fortunate enough to experience it.

Country of Origin:
5 x 46
Connecticut Broadleaf
Box Cigar Count:
Is Box-Pressed:
Is Long-Filler: