Drew Estate Cigars
Looking for a cigar that stands out from the rest? Deadwood Fat Bottom Betty Gordito is a masterful creation born from the collaboration between Deadwood brand owner Vaughn Boyd and the renowned Drew Estate Company. These cigars are skillfully handmade at La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate in Esteli, Nicaragua, ensuring craftsmanship of the highest quality.
Captivate your senses with Fat Bottom Betty Gordito’s medium to full-bodied flavor. Each puff unfolds a delectable medley of bold pepper, rich dried fruit, earthy undertones, anise, and a hint of floral sweetness on the finish. How do they achieve such an extraordinary flavor profile? A top-secret conditioning process accentuates the natural sweetness of the aged tobaccos—and the result is nothing short of spectacular.
Wrapped in a top-quality USA Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper and filled with expertly aged Nicaraguan tobaccos, these 6x60 cigars offer a smooth, satisfying smoke. The stocky, robust design paired with its rounded Toro shape ensures a full-bodied smoking experience perfect for both seasoned smokers and adventurous newcomers.
Whether you’re relaxing after a long day or sharing a smoke with friends, the Deadwood Fat Bottom Betty Gordito is your go-to premium cigar. Its exceptional craftsmanship and unforgettable flavor make it a crowd-pleaser in any setting. Plus, packed in cellophane for easy storage and protection, they’re as convenient as they are indulgent.
Order your box of 10 Deadwood Fat Bottom Betty Gordito cigars today at an unbeatable price. Don’t settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary—your next great smoking experience is just a click away!