Why settle for ordinary when you can elevate your cigar experience with unmatched craftsmanship? The Saga Blend No. 7 Toro Gordo is a true masterpiece—handcrafted at the renowned De Los Reyes family factory in the Dominican Republic. This medium to full-bodied cigar blends tradition with modern sophistication, catering to the refined tastes of seasoned smokers.
Every draw tells a story. Encased in a stunning golden-brown Brazilian wrapper, this cigar is built with a Habano Dominicano binder and meticulously selected filler from the Dominican Republic and Central America. The result? A symphony of warm cedar, timeless tobacco richness, and an indulgent creaminess that lingers long after your final puff.
Curious to try before committing? Now available as singles, the Saga Blend No. 7 Toro Gordo allows you to savor its exceptional flavors without buying an entire box. Perfect for those seeking variety or simply wanting to indulge in a moment of luxury.
With its 6 ½” length and 58-ring gauge, the Toro Gordo promises a perfectly balanced draw. Designed for a relaxing session, it’s expertly rolled by hand and packaged with care in cellophane to preserve its quality until the moment you light up.
From the seasoned cigar aficionado to those seeking a taste of robust sophistication, the Saga Blend No. 7 Toro Gordo offers a premium smoking experience that’s second to none. Try one today and discover why this handcrafted blend is the talk of the industry.
Indulge in the art of fine tobaccos and make the Saga Blend No. 7 Toro Gordo your next choice.