DCrossier Cigars
Get ready to experience the zenith of luxury cigars. The D'Crossier Golden Blend Reserva Magnum cigar is a masterpiece crafted with outstanding flavor and an unparalleled draw that will satisfy your senses every time you smoke it. Not only is it 6 1/2 x 56 ring gauge in size, making for an hour-long smoke time, but these single cigars for sale have also been aged, cured and treated with the utmost care - giving you an unforgettable, five-star taste every so often! Here at Cuenca Cigars, we don't just want to be your source of premium cigars - we want you to feel truly spoilt when buying with us on our website! So what are you waiting for? Buy single cigars online today and get lost in the enchanting flavors of this undiluted Cuban classic.