Davidoff Cigars
Introducing Davidoff Mini Cigarillos Gold Cigars, designed to bring luxury-class smoking to your busy modern lifestyle. These 3.5" × 20 ring gauge. These cigars employ the rich and creamy experience of finely aged tobaccos from Brazil and the Dominican Republic in a silky Sumatra wrapper for an expertly balanced smoking experience. Delicately presented in neatly arranged boxes, each containing 20 cigarillos. A case comprises 5 boxes, resulting in a total of 100 delightful cigarillos.
Whether you are an experienced smoker or just starting out, these cigars guarantee that each short 15 minutes smoke is packed with flavor and complexity from its Java binder and long leaf fillers. Not only can you enjoy a genuine taste of the very best cigars in a fraction of the time, but Davidoff Mini Cigarillos Gold Cigar amplifies the sense of occasion with every puff by delivering a truly remarkable cigar experience no matter where life takes you.