The Crowned Heads Sfumato in C Major Cigars PCA Exclusive 2022 combines three highly sought-after types of tobacco from Nicaragua, Peru, and the Dominican Republic to create a unique and flavorful smoking experience. The medium-bodied cigar boasts notes of cedar, earth, leather, espresso, and roasted nuts. The creamy and oily Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper complements the cigar's complexity and aroma.
This cigar is very exclusive and only 2,000 boxes of 20 cigars have been made available worldwide. Each cigar has been aged for at least 18 months to ensure the best flavors. This makes it perfect for anyone wanting a truly special smoking experience. The cigar is made from rare tobaccos and aged using meticulous techniques, which is why it is renowned as one of the best cigars available today. You can now purchase singles.