La Imperiosa Dukes Cigars are an exquisite creation by Crowned Heads La Imperiosa, meticulously handcrafted in the iconic My Father factory in Nicaragua. These bold and spicy cigars boast a blend that mirrors the esteemed Las Calaveras 2014, featuring rich Nicaraguan tobaccos enveloped in a lustrous Ecuadorian Habano Oscuro wrapper. Crafted to meet the demands of discerning smokers who were captivated by the previous edition, these medium to full-bodied gems exude dominance with their prominent red pepper notes. Accompanied by hints of earth, leather, charred wood, and fruit, the flavor profile is truly captivating.
Presented in a 5 1/2 x 54 size and packaged in boxes of 24, these La Imperiosa Dukes Cigars are now available for purchase as single cigars online. Indulge yourself by adding a few to your cart and experience the delectable allure of this smoke. To acquire these resurrected cigars, place an order at Cuenca Cigars and enjoy the best online prices.