Cohiba Cigars
Introducing the epitome of luxury and indulgence from Cohiba - the Cohiba Riviera Robusto. This exceptional masterpiece is the only box-pressed cigar in the Cohiba collection and boasts an exquisite San Andrés wrapper that exudes unparalleled elegance. Blended with a unique combination of medium-bodied tobacco from three different countries - Honduran Jamastran, Honduran La Entrada, Nicaraguan Condega, and Nicaraguan Esteli - the Cohiba Riviera truly offers an exceptional smoking experience.
Crafted by skilled artisans, the Cohiba Riviera features a binder made from Honduran Connecticut tobacco that perfectly complements the exotic flavor profile of the filler. The combination of these premium tobaccos makes the Cohiba Riviera an exclusive expression of luxury that's unrivaled by any other cigar on the market.