Cohiba Pequeno Cigars is a premium handmade that captures all the goodness of a big Cohiba in its small body. The blend of this small cigar is chosen very wisely to strike a balance between them which ensures a pleasant smoke. Smooth Dominican Pilato long fillers along with Indonesian binder are selected to fill the core. To balance the mildness of them a dark African Cameroon wrapper has been employed. The union of these tobaccos gives rise to a medium bodied smoke laced with toasty, woody nuances. The Cohiba Pequeno cigars is formed in shape of a Cigarillo measuring 4 3/16 x 36. Packed in tins in set of 6 these cigars are available in bunch of 5 such tins. To try such premium smokes place an order here at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.