Cohiba Cigars
Cohiba Nicaragua N54 Cigars is a dark, rich cigar meant for flavourful smoke lovers. Cohiba which is known for their Dominican blend has chosen Nicaraguan tobaccos in their place. The Cohiba Nicaragua consists of aged long leaf tobaccos grown in grown in the fertile planes of Nicaragua. A Nicaraguan binder from Jalapa holds these fillers. Finally they are draped in dark brown sun grown Colorado Oscuro wrapper. The concoction delivers a medium-full smoke accompanied with rich bursting flavours. With notes of pepper, cedar, leather this dark beauty is a fine example refined complexity. The Cohiba Nicaragua N54 cigars are folded in the shape of Toro which is 5.5x54 in sizes. An elegant black flip top box holding 16 pieces of this cigar is available for purchase. To buy these boxes place an order right here at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.