CLE Cigars
CLE Habano 11/18 Cigars is a remarkable cigar made by Christian Eiroa and launched on the occasion of his 40th birthday. Crafted as a celebratory cigar the CLE Habano is a bouquet of delight. It is a Honduran puro packing the Nicaraguan tobacco grown across various regions of the country. A seamless brown Habana seed grown wrapper folds them up tightly. Being an Eiroa creation this smoke has lot to offer in its flavors. Medium in strength these cigars bear hints of cream, coffee bean, sweet cedar, earth and so on with a touch of spiciness. This magnificent stogie has all the qualities to please the senses and satisfy the craving of a smoke enthusiast. The CLE Cuarenta 11/18 is made in the size of 6 x 48/54/48 which is a Diadema Figurado Cigars. They come in light brown wooden boxes packed in set of 25. To buy a box of these cigars just place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online prices.