CLE Cigars
CLE Chele Nicaragua 50x5 Cigars are significant cigars in the profile of CLE cigars. These are first cigars to be made in Nicaragua by Christian Eiroa. He blended them with Nicaraguan long fillers and binder tobaccos. They are draped in an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The result is a well-balanced mild to medium bodied cigar with buttery richness and enjoyable notes of spices, pepper, fruits and bread. They offer a satisfying feel to the palate that lingers even after the cigar is finished. They sport a box pressed look with a wide white band. These CLE Chele Nicaragua 50x5 Cigars are hand rolled in the Robusto shape measuring 5 x 50. They come in boxes of 25. To buy these Nicaragua made cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.