Cain Cigars
Cain Cigars are another yet creation of the Oliva Cigar Company. It is a straight ligero cigar made from Habano seed ligero which is noted for its distinguished flavor and strength. These cigars are available in four varieties namely, Cain Habano, Cain Maduro, Cain Daytona, Cain F. The Habano is created with triple fermented ligero and complemented by a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper whereas Daytonas ligero is entirely sourced from the Jalapa Valley. Cain F is made using the three of the richest, most distinct Nicaraguan Ligeros. All Cain Cigars offer smooth, rich, flavorful smoking experience that entices the cigar lovers and scored high ratings consistently. You can easily try their range at very attractive prices by placing an order from our shop.
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