CAO Cigars
CAO Pilon Churchill Cigars are meticulously constructed premium offering from one of the leading brands of the industry. CAO is known for its innovation and uniqueness and this time it has resurrected an old Cuban method. These cigars feature tobaccos which are fermented in circular pilon process. It is time consuming scrupulous process that enhances the color and flavors beautifully in a slow manner. The blend consists of Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers bound by a Nicaraguan binder. They are cloaked by an Ecuadorian Habano Viso wrapper. The smoke is medium bodied with multitude of flavors. The palate is engulfed by the notes of cedar, nuts, cocoa, pepper and spices. These CAO Pilon Churchill Cigars are rolled in the size of 7 x 48. They are packed in 20 count wooden boxes. To buy these rich and gratifying cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.