Camacho Cigars
Camacho Triple Maduro is a product of Camacho cigars, now a part of the Oettinger Davidoff Group. This super-complex blend comes from the lush lands of the Jamastran Valley in Honduras, thoroughly curated and hand rolled under the supervision of maker Christian Eiroa. The cigar features a mix of aged Honduran, Brazilian and Dominican fillers secured in a spicy Honduran Maduro binder. ItÌ´Ì_ÌÎÌÂÌ´åÈs all bundled up inside a gorgeous shiny San Andreas Maduro wrapper. It is of full- bodied strength with bold and charred flavours of earth, spices, bitter chocolate and unsweetened coffee. The Camacho Triple Maduro Figurado has the size of 6.1 x 54 and is available in chic boxes of 20 cigars. To buy a box, place an order now at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.