Camacho Nicaraguan Barrel-Aged
Camacho Nicaraguan Barrel-Aged cigars are the latest addition to the Barrel Aged Collection from Camacho Cigars. The cigars are blended to produce an intense flavor coming from the Nicaraguan Corojo that have been aged in Extra Old Nicaraguan Barrels for a period of five months. This process emphasise the flavor profile and complexity of the blend. The cigars are wrapped in a dark and oily Habano 2000 from Ecuador to protect the Negrito San Andres binder and the Corojo 99 from Nicaraguan, Piloto Cubano and San Vicente leaves from Dominican Republic as fillers. Four sizes were released, namely Robusto with a 5 x 50 ring gauge in two presentations: cellophane and tubes; Toro with 6 x 50 ring gauge and a Toro Gordo with 6 x 60. Additional to this there is an assortment with all the three sizes that is a perfect gift to yourself. The cigars are produced at the Diadema Cigars de Honduras S.A factory. The flavor profile produce a medium to full intensity with plenty of flavors and aroma. If you are ready to try this explosion of taste, just get them now.