Camacho Cigars
Camacho Corojo Natural Toro Cigars are trusted and reliable cigar line-up from the Camacho Cigars which has acquired their current superstar status over the years. It is made from the premium ingredients from the Honduras that includes the slowly aged, long authentic Corojo three Priming filler leaves, authentic Corojo Ligero binder and finally the fifth priming authentic Corojo wrapper that gives the cigar its luxurious look and balanced, bold profile. Camacho Corojo is made into a Toro shape containing the sweet yet rich flavours of spicy pepper, cedar, coffee and hints of nuts. The medium to full bodied cigars are rolled by trusted hands and boast of a well-deserved 90 point rating. The Camacho Corojo Natural Toro Cigars in the size of 6 x 50 come in beautiful packs of 20. To buy one of these boxes place order at Cuenca Cigars and find the best online price.