Camacho Cigars
Camacho Corojo Natural Robusto Tubos Cigars are the premium cigars manufactured using original vintage Cuban seed tobaccos from the island. The cigars use the slowly aged, high-grade, fifth priming wrapper leaf extracted form a seed thatÕs been perfected over the years. This allow them to make a robust, smooth medium to full bodied cigar offering a perfect blend of taste and flavours. It uses the authentic Corojo three Priming long filler leaves along with the authentic Corojo Ligero binder both grown in valleys of Honduras. The cigar releases rich flavours of wood, cedar, walnuts, and spicy pepper and notes of coffee with thick smoke leaving a sweet after effect and has an even burn making it truly enjoyable. The Camacho Corojo Natural Robusto Tubos is crafted in size of 5 x 50 and individually placed in tubes. These tubes are sealed in chic, glossy boxes in set of 10. To buy one of these boxes place order at Cuenca Cigars and find the best online price.