Camacho Cigars
Camacho Corojo Natural Gigante Cigars are a premium series by the Camacho Cigars originated in the Honduras. Being constructed in an attractive Gigante shape they are crafted by hands of well experienced rollers using the premium authentic Corojo Maduro wrapper of fifth Priming from Honduras on the outside with a perfect blend of flavours. These cigars feature a blend of native aged authentic Corojo long filler of three Priming along with an authentic Corojo Ligero binder. The medium to full bodied Camacho Corojo Natural is solid by construction and sweet, flavourful to experience as it produces thick smoke with pleasant aroma. The notes one can experience are of wood, spicy pepper, coffee which are earthy and rich in nature. No wonder these beauties have a 90 point rating in their kitty which acknowledges their superior quality. The Camacho Corojo Natural Gigante has a size of 6 x 60 and they come in boxes of 20 each. To buy one of these boxes place order at Cuenca Cigars and find the best online price.