Camacho Cigars
Camacho Corojo Natural Figurado Cigars are premium cigars meant for those who like a bold, flavourful smoke with a sweet taste. Originated in Honduras they carry a native, well-aged authentic Corojo three Priming long filler leaves along with the native Corojo Ligero binder. The cigar has a neat but premium look because of the natural authentic Corojo wrapper of fifth Priming. It gives the cigar a natural brown colour and a savoury taste. Camacho Corojo Natural Figurado Cigars offer a premium experience in a medium to full body with balanced mix of flavours and thick smoke making it a great choice. It offers notes of spicy pepper, wood and coffee with a pleasant aroma. The Camacho Corojo Natural Figurado are made in 6 1/8 x 54/42 size and packed in stunning boxes of 20. To buy one of these boxes place order at Cuenca Cigars and find the best online price.