Camacho Cigars
Camacho Connecticut Figurado is a mild bodied cigar that provides the characteristic rich flavours of the Camacho cigars. In response to the urges of the smoke lovers who wanted a mellow smoke from this famed brand, they crafted this blend. Honduran and Dominican long fillers bound by a Corojo binder makes the core of these cigars which are then wrapped in a luxurious Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The makers at Camacho have taken care of the fact that the mild body of these cigars does not deprive the smokers from having an enjoyable experience. Hence mild notes of spices are sprinkled over this smooth smoke. The Camacho Connecticut Figurado is made in the size of 6 1/8 x 54/42 and packed in chic glossy boxes in set of 20. To buy one of these boxes place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.