Tatuaje Cigars
Are you looking for cigars that are a true showcase of modern Nicaraguan-style smoking pleasure? Look no further than the Cabaiguan Connecticut No. 752 manufaturer at My Father Cigars S.A. These handmade, medium-bodied gems are crafted with an Ecuador Connecticut wrapper and filled with fragrant tobaccos from Nicaragua! At 7 inches by 52 ring gauge with a Double Toro vitola, these cigars have plenty of room to show off their complexity, and in a box of 24, you won't have to ration your enjoyment until your next purchase! Our customers especially love the smooth flavor journey they embark on when smoking the Cabaiguan Connecticut No. 752s - starting off nutty and slightly spicy, it then transitions into creamy coconut flavors before ending with a unique cocoa blend. This makes these cigars perfect for those who enjoy switching up their smoke style throughout their experience! And don't forget that this product comes with free shipping on orders over $99, so why wait? Get your order of Cabaiguan Connecticut No. 752s today and become part of the proud community of Cuenca Cigar fanatics!