Brick House Cigars
Brick House Vintage Tin Cigars is a beautiful premium cigar handcrafted b experienced rollers in Nicaragua. A fresh recreation of the original Brick House cigars which used the Cuban tobaccos waived the path to the Brick House brand we see today. Instead of the Cuban, it now uses a perfect blend of aged Nicaraguan premium tobacco leaves which is rolled up into high quality cigars with the Nicaraguan Havana Subido wrapper giving them a natural look and creamy, smooth nature. The smoke liberated by this Brick House is sweet and oaky in nature with hints of pepper. The Brick House Vintage cigars are rolled in the size of 6 x 52 cigars which come in an enhanced and attractive metal tin instead of the usual box. This makes the brand a premium one with best look and ingredients still in an affordable price. To buy one of these boxes place an order now at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.