Foundation Cigars
Curious about cigar prices for Foundation Cigars? This guide breaks down the cost of different cigars from Foundation Cigar Co, explains the factors that influence their prices, and shows you where to find the best deals.
Key Takeaways
Foundation Cigars are priced based on high-quality tobacco, hand-rolling craftsmanship, and brand reputation, positioning them as a premium choice in the market.
The Charter Oak line offers exceptional value for both beginners and seasoned smokers, providing accessible options without compromising on quality.
Foundation Cigars’ limited editions and unique blends set them apart from other premium brands, appealing to collectors, cigar enthusiasts, and aficionados due to their craftsmanship and distinct flavors.
Understanding Foundation Cigars Pricing
The pricing of Foundation Cigars, often referred to as cigar prices, is a reflection of the meticulous craftsmanship and premium materials used in their creation. One of the primary factors influencing the cost is the quality of the tobacco. Foundation Cigars uses high-quality tobacco sourced from the best tobacco growers, particularly from renowned regions like Cuba and Nicaragua, which naturally command higher prices.
The labor-intensive process of hand-rolling cigars is another significant factor. Skilled artisans craft each Foundation Cigar by hand, ensuring a superior smoking experience, which naturally leads to higher costs compared to machine-made cigars. The complexity and rich flavors of Foundation Cigars, often recognized by high ratings and awards, further justify their premium pricing. This hand-rolling process also contributes to value for money, as it ensures each cigar is crafted to perfection.
Brand reputation also plays a crucial role in pricing. Established brands like Foundation Cigars can command higher prices due to their consistent quality and market position. Produced in Esteli, Nicaragua, Foundation Cigars benefit from strong relationships with some of the finest tobacco growers worldwide, ensuring they use only the finest tobacco available. This combination of quality, craftsmanship, and reputation positions Foundation Cigars as a premium choice in the market.
Popular Foundation Cigars and Their Prices - Best Selling Cigars
Foundation Cigar Company offers a range of popular cigars that have garnered acclaim in the cigar industry. Among these, the El Gueguense, also known as The Wiseman, stands out. This cigar was ranked #3 in Cigar Aficionado’s 2018 Top 25 Cigars list, a testament to its exceptional quality and flavor. The El Gueguense also offers excellent value for money, making it a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts.
The original Tabernacle cigar, featuring a rich Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and a nutty flavor profile, is another favorite among cigar aficionados. The Tabernacle Havana Seed CT 142 is one of the best-selling cigars in the Foundation Cigars portfolio, known for its complex notes of almond, cinnamon, and dark cocoa. The Highclere Castle Senetjer, created to commemorate the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, is notable for its unique packaging and historical significance.
The Charter Oak line offers excellent value. Available in different wrappers, these cigars are known for their affordability without compromising on quality. These cigars provide a great introduction to the Foundation Cigars portfolio, making them accessible to a broader audience while maintaining the brand’s commitment to excellence.
Charter Oak Connecticut Broadleaf - Best Value Price - Strongest Cigars
Charter Oak Connecticut Broadleaf cigars exemplify the quality and affordability of Foundation Cigars. The craftsmanship of these affordable cigars reflects a blend of old world traditions and modern techniques, ensuring a premium smoking experience. Crafted with premium Cuban seed tobacco from Nicaragua’s Esteli and Jalapa regions, these cigars feature a dark chocolate-colored wrapper and an earthy mix of Cuban-seed Nicaraguan long-fillers. The flavor profile is rich and robust, with notes of dark chocolate, black coffee, and hints of leather, providing a bold smoking experience.
Priced affordably between five to seven dollars each, Charter Oak Broadleaf cigars offer tremendous value. They are packaged in slide-top boxes containing twenty cigars, which exhibit a rustic appearance.
This line of cigars, created as a tribute to the founder’s grandfather, who favored Connecticut Broadleaf cigars, is perfect for both everyday enjoyment and special occasions.
Charter Oak Connecticut Shade - Best Value Price - Beginners Cigar
The Charter Oak Connecticut Shade is an ideal choice for beginners looking for affordable cigars to explore the world of premium cigars. Featuring a golden Connecticut Shade wrapper, this medium-bodied cigar is made with Nicaraguan filler and a spicy binder from Sumatra, offering a rich and creamy smoking experience. The flavors are mild yet satisfying, making it a perfect starting point for new cigar enthusiasts.
Affordability is another key aspect of the Charter Oak Connecticut Shade. Positioned as an accessible option for new smokers, these cigars honor Nicholas Melillo’s home state of Connecticut and are named after a historic tree symbolizing freedom. This combination of quality, flavor, and value makes the Charter Oak Connecticut Shade a must-try for beginners.
Charter Oak Habano - Best Value - Medium Strenght
The Charter Oak Habano is ideal for those who prefer affordable cigars with excellent value. With a Habano Ecuador wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and Nicaraguan filler, this cigar delivers a complex flavor profile with creamy undertones and a slight leathery taste. It’s a flavorful yet balanced smoke that appeals to a wide range of cigar enthusiasts.
Available in a Toro size measuring 6 inches in length with a ring gauge of 52, the Charter Oak Habano has an approximate smoking duration of 60 to 90 minutes. This cigar has earned a #1 Best Buy rating from Cigar Aficionado, further cementing its reputation as an excellent value choice.
El Gueguense The Wise Man Natural - Flavourfull Smoke
El Gueguense The Wise Man Natural is celebrated for its complex flavor profile and smooth smoking experience. This cigar features a Mexican San Andrés wrapper, Nicaraguan Corojo ‘99 binder, and purely Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, resulting in a rich and nuanced flavor experience. Notes of cocoa, nuts, and a hint of spice make this cigar a flavorful delight.
The smoothness and balanced finish of El Gueguense make it suitable for both novice and experienced cigar smokers. Whether you’re new to cigar smoking or a seasoned aficionado, this cigar offers a satisfying and enjoyable experience for all cigar enthusiasts.
The Wise Man El Gueguense Maduro - Full-bodied Yet Smooth
The Wise Man El Gueguense Maduro is another standout in the Foundation Cigars portfolio, known for its rich and complex flavors. Featuring a Mexican San Andrés wrapper, complemented by a Nicaraguan Corojo ‘99 binder and Nicaraguan fillers, this cigar blends sweet and savory notes, including cocoa and vanilla alongside earthy, meaty flavors.
Inspired by a traditional Nicaraguan folkloric dance, the name ‘El Güegüense’ adds cultural depth to the cigar’s branding. Created by Nick Melillo, who previously worked at Drew Estate, The Wise Man Maduro is recognized for being full-bodied yet smooth, appealing to a wide range of cigar enthusiasts.
Olmec Claro - Best balanced and enjoyable smoke
The Olmec Claro stands out with its unique lighter-hued wrapper, setting it apart from its darker counterparts. This cigar features a Mexican San Andrés negro wrapper, which is notably lighter in color compared to its Maduro counterpart, providing a different visual and flavor experience. The blend includes Nicaraguan binder and filler, contributing to a balanced and enjoyable smoke.
The Olmec Claro offers a medium-bodied smoking experience with subtle notes of earth and spice. Its lighter wrapper delivers a milder flavor profile, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer a less intense cigar. This blend is perfect for a relaxing evening, allowing cigar enthusiasts to appreciate the nuanced flavors without overwhelming the palate.
Olmec Maduro - Best Strong flavors
On the other hand, the Olmec Maduro provides a richer and more robust smoking experience. This cigar features a traditional Mexican San Andrés Negro wrapper, complemented by premium Nicaraguan binder and filler from Esteli and Jalapa. The filler tobacco is aged for at least three years after fermentation, enhancing its complex flavor profile.
The Olmec Maduro offers strong flavors, including notes of cacao, cinnamon, espresso, and spices, making it a full-bodied delight. Presented in elegant wooden boxes containing 12 cigars, each adorned with a distinctive orange band showcasing the Olmec logo, this cigar has received multiple ratings above 90 points from Cigar Aficionado, reflecting its high quality. It is a top choice for cigar enthusiasts.
The Tabernacle Broadleaf - Complex Flavor Profile
The Tabernacle Broadleaf exemplifies Foundation Cigars’ commitment to quality and craftsmanship. This cigar is crafted with a highly coveted Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper known for its rich, dark color and oily texture. The blend includes a San Andrés binder along with fillers sourced from Esteli, Nicaragua, and the Jamastran Valley in Honduras, contributing to its complex flavor profile.
Upon lighting, The Tabernacle offers a full-bodied experience with flavors of espresso, dark chocolate, and earth. In the second third, the dominant flavors shift to earth and cocoa powder, with a hint of dark fruit sweetness. The final third features dark earth and unsweetened cocoa, with a resurgence of pepper flavor.
Despite requiring occasional touch-ups for burn, the draw is excellent, and the ash remains solid throughout the smoke, making it a highly valued premium cigar among cigar enthusiasts.
The Tabernacle Maduro - Rich and Complex flavors
The Tabernacle Maduro upholds the tradition of excellence with its rich and complex flavors. Featuring a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, a Mexican San Andrés binder, and Nicaraguan and Honduran filler tobaccos, this cigar is available in several sizes, including Torpedo, Corona, Robusto, Toro, Double Corona, and Lancero.
Flavor notes from the Tabernacle Maduro include dark chocolate, espresso, sweet nuts, and hints of baking spices, offering a medium to full-bodied smoking experience. The cigar is noted for its excellent construction, featuring a well-defined char line and a luxurious smoking experience that often lasts over two hours, making it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts.
The Tabernacle Havana Seed CT 142 - A Distinctive Flavor
The Tabernacle Havana Seed CT 142 is a unique blend that showcases Foundation Cigar Company’s innovation and dedication to quality. This cigar features a rare Havana Seed CT No. 142 wrapper, complemented by a San Andrés Mexican binder and a mix of Estelí, Jalapa, and Jamastran fillers. The fermentation process for the Havana Seed CT wrapper takes three years due to its high oil content, resulting in a distinctive flavor.
Tasting notes for this cigar include cedar, spice, earthy richness, and natural sweetness, providing a medium to full-bodied smoking experience. The packaging of The Tabernacle cigars features artwork representing Hailie Selassie, alluding to the concept of the Tabernacle as a sacred container. This cigar is a must-try for cigar enthusiasts.
Highclere Castle Natural - Best Smoking Experience
The Highclere Castle Natural offers a balanced profile of sweet, savory, and spicy flavors, making it a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts. This cigar is known for its rich smoke production and impressive construction throughout the smoking experience. Notable flavor notes include black pepper, charred wood, and hot cocoa, delivering a distinctive complexity and subtlety in flavor development.
Priced around $14, the Highclere Castle Natural is a competitive choice among premium cigars, providing a luxurious smoking experience that justifies its price point.
Highclere Castle Victorian Maduro - Medium-to-full-bodied
The Highclere Castle Victorian Maduro, launched in 2019, is a collaboration between the Foundation Cigar Company and Highclere Castle. This cigar features a wrapper sourced from the San Andres Valley in Mexico, complemented by a Nicaraguan binder and a filler blend of tobaccos from Nicaragua and Honduras.
Characterized as a medium-to-full-bodied cigar, it offers rich flavors including dark chocolate, coffee, and spice. The Victorian Highclere Castle Maduro has received a score of 92 points from Cigar Aficionado and was recognized as the #5 Cigar of the Year in 2019, highlighting its excellent balance and quality. This makes it a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts.
Foundation Cigars - Limited Editions
Foundation Cigars offers several limited edition cigars that appeal to collectors and enthusiasts. Some notable limited editions include the Highclere Castle Senetjer, The Wise Man El Gueguense San Andres Lancero, Wise Men Macho Raton Perfecto, El Gueguense The Wise Man Lancero Natural, and The Tabernacle Havana C142 David and Goliath.
These limited edition cigars are prized for their rarity and unique features, often incorporating special blends and packaging that set them apart from regular production cigars. Their exclusivity and high quality make them highly sought after in the cigar community, especially among cigar collectors.
Where to Buy Foundation Cigars Online
Finding Foundation Cigars online can be a rewarding experience if you know where to look. Cuenca Cigars is a reliable source that offers a selection of Foundation Cigars for purchase, albeit they can be hard to find due to high demand. When available, it’s advisable to purchase them quickly to avoid missing out. Cuenca Cigars frequently offers free shipping options for orders over $99, providing additional value to your purchase.
Comparing prices across different online platforms can help identify the best deals on Foundation Cigars. It’s worth checking multiple sources and taking advantage of promotions and discounts to get the best value for your money. This is especially beneficial for cigar enthusiasts looking to expand their collection.
Tips for Getting the Best Price on Foundation Cigars
Securing the best value for money on Foundation Cigars requires a bit of strategy. Joining loyalty programs at cigar shops, such as Cuenca Cigars, can provide exclusive discounts and rewards on future purchases. These programs often offer members early access to limited editions and special promotions, making it easier to get your hands on sought-after cigars at a reduced price.
Additionally, regularly comparing prices across different retailers and looking for sales and promotions can help you find the best deals. Keeping an eye on free shipping offers and bulk purchase discounts can also contribute to significant savings over time.
Comparing Foundation Cigars with Other Premium Brands
Foundation Cigars stand out in the premium cigar market due to their value for money, competitive pricing, and unique blends. While limited edition cigars from Foundation are priced higher due to their rarity and uniqueness, they appeal greatly to collectors and enthusiasts. Foundation Cigars’ commitment to quality and craftsmanship ensures that even their regular production cigars offer excellent value compared to other premium brands.
Compared to other premium brands, cigar foundation Cigars offer distinct value through their unique blends, pricing strategies, and limited availability. This combination of factors makes Foundation Cigars a compelling choice for cigar aficionados looking for high-quality, distinctive premium cigars.
In summary, Foundation Cigars have carved out a niche in the cigar industry with their distinctive premium cigars crafted from the finest tobacco. Their strong relationships with some of the finest tobacco growers ensure that only the highest quality tobacco is used in their cigars. From the value-oriented Charter Oak line to the rich and complex Tabernacle series, there is a cigar for every preference and occasion. The pricing of these cigars reflects their quality, craftsmanship, and the brand’s strong reputation.
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned smoker, exploring the range of Foundation Cigars can be a rewarding experience. The combination of unique blends, competitive pricing, and limited editions ensures that there is always something new and exciting to discover. So, take the plunge and find your perfect cigar within the Foundation Cigars portfolio. Cigar enthusiasts will appreciate the dedication to quality and the diverse offerings that cater to all tastes.