E.P. Carrillo Cigars
EP Carrillo Pledge Prequel | Single Cigars Online
SKU - 9188Single$11.25$12.50$12.50 -
E.P. Carrillo Cigars
INCH by E.P. Carrillo No. 60 Maduro Single Cigar
E.P. Carrillo Cigars
INCH by E.P. Carrillo No. 60 Maduro | Strongest Cigars
E.P. Carrillo Cigars
INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo No. 60 | Plasencia Family
E.P. Carrillo Cigars
INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo No. 60 | Single Cigars Online
E.P. Carrillo Cigars
INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo No. 62 | Single Cigars Online
E.P. Carrillo Cigars
INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo No. 62 | Strongest Cigars
E.P. Carrillo Cigars
INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo No. 64 | Big Ring Gauge Cigar
E.P. Carrillo Cigars
INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo No. 64 | Single Cigars Online
E.P. Carrillo Cigars
Looking for a premium cigar? E.P. Carrillo cigars deliver top-tier quality and diverse flavors. In this guide, uncover what sets them apart and find the perfect cigar for your taste—from the full-bodied Pledge to the balanced La Historia.
Overview of Ernesto Perez Carrillo's Finest Cigars
E.P. Carrillo’s portfolio is a testament to the brand’s dedication to crafting cigars that cater to diverse palates and occasions. Each top-rated cigar from E.P. Carrillo is distinguished by its unique characteristics tailored for specific smoking experiences. Select an E.P. Carrillo cigar based on the flavor profile that suits your palate, whether it’s sweet or spicy. The EP Carrillo Pledge Prequel was named the Cigar of the Year in 2020 by Cigar Aficionado magazine.
Best for Full-Bodied Flavor: EP Carrillo Pledge
Best for Smooth and Balanced Smoke: EP Carrillo La Historia
Best Rated Cigar: EP Carrillo Encore
Best Collaboration: E.P Carrillo Allegiance
Best Artistry in Flavor and Legacy: Encore Black
Best Essence Series: E.P. Carrillo Sumatra, E.P. Carrillo Maduro, E.P. Carrillo Honduras
Best Nicaraguan Flavor: INCH Nicaragua Cigars
Best for Connoisseurs: INCH Natural Cigars
Best Big Ring Gauge: INCH Maduro Cigars
Best Innovative Tradition: New Wave Connecticut Cigars
The right cigar also depends on the occasion; lighter options suit casual settings, while robust cigars are ideal for celebrations. Take into account the size and shape of the cigar, as these factors influence the smoking time and intensity of flavors experienced.
EP Carrillo Pledge - Best for Full-Bodied Flavor
Origin: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: USA
Binder: Ecuador
Filler: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Connecticut (Habano)
Binder: Ecuadorian
Filler: Nicaraguan
Rich full-bodied flavor
Consistent burn and draw
Highly rated by Cigar Aficionado
May be too strong for beginners
Limited availability
The EP Carrillo Pledge cigars are celebrated for their full-bodied smoke, delivering a symphony of deep leather, earth, espresso, and dark fruit sweetness. The construction of this cigar is impeccable, ensuring an even burn and a great draw throughout the smoking experience. Named Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado in 2020, the EP Carrillo Pledge boasts an impressive 98 rating, solidifying its place among the top premium cigars.
However, its intense flavor profile may not suit everyone, particularly those new to full-bodied cigars. Nevertheless, it offers all the cigar complexity and richness, revealing new flavors even after initial tasting. The EP Carrillo Pledge is often described as a cigar straight due to its unparalleled quality and flavor profile.
This exceptional cigar delivers a delicious smoke with a vibrant and complex flavor profile, making it a top choice for seasoned cigar enthusiasts.
EP Carrillo La Historia - Best for Smooth and Balanced Smoke
Wrapper: Mexican San Andrés
Binder: Ecuadorian Sumatra
Filler: Dominican and Nicaraguan
Smooth, balanced flavor
Beautiful presentation
Medium strength suitable for most smokers
Not strong enough for those seeking a bold smoke
Slightly higher price point
La Historia offers a smooth flavor profile that combines chocolate, coffee, and pepper with a creamy finish. This cigar is not only a treat for the palate but also a feast for the eyes, with its detailed artwork on the band adding to its appeal. The box-pressed construction ensures a long, chewy finish with sweet undertones, reminiscent of desserts like crème brûlée.
Its medium strength makes it accessible to a broader audience, though it might not satisfy those seeking a more robust experience. Even so, La Historia remains a fantastic cigar that delivers a balanced and enjoyable smoking experience.
EP Carrillo Encore - Cigar of the Year
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Rich and complex flavor profile
High-quality construction
Highly acclaimed with multiple awards
Hard to find in stores
The EP Carrillo Encore was named the #1 Cigar of the Year in 2018 with a 96-point rating, a testament to its distinguished quality and craftsmanship. This cigar is known for its rich flavors that combine earth, spice, and sweet tobacco, offering a complex smoking experience that evolves with each puff. Its construction is top-notch, contributing to a consistent and enjoyable smoke.
However, the Encore’s high acclaim comes with a higher price tag and can be challenging to locate, which might deter some smokers. Even with these minor drawbacks, the Encore remains a highly rated cigar that promises a fantastic smoking experience.
A Legendary Cigar Collaboration: E.P Carrillo Allegiance
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Unique collaborative blend
High-quality construction
Rich and diverse flavor profile
Limited edition
Higher price point
The Allegiance Confidant Toro showcases a unique combination of Nicaraguan tobaccos, crafted at Oliva Cigars, reflecting a collaborative effort in its blend. This collaboration brings together the expertise of two renowned cigar makers, resulting in a cigar that stands out in both flavor and construction.
Featuring rich and diverse flavors, the Allegiance Confidant Toro offers a smoking experience that evolves with each puff. However, its limited edition status and higher price point might make it less accessible to some smokers. Despite these factors, it remains an outstanding cigar that showcases the best of collaborative craftsmanship.
Unveiling the Encore Black: A Masterpiece of Flavor and Legacy in Cigar Artistry
Wrapper: USA Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro
Binder: Mexican San Andrés
Filler: Nicaraguan
Rich and evolving flavor profile
Excellent construction
Limited production, adding exclusivity
Higher price point
The Encore Black utilizes a Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrapper, a Mexican San Andrés binder, and Nicaraguan fillers to create a medium-to-full flavor profile. Released on Black Friday 2023, with a broader release in March 2024, and capped at 5,000 boxes for the year, this cigar is both a masterpiece of flavor and a symbol of legacy.
Reviewers noted that the cigar’s flavor evolves throughout the smoking experience, starting with a mellow pepper and earth notes base and introducing creaminess and sweetness in later stages. Although there are mixed reactions to specific flavor notes like chalk and mineral, the Encore Black’s impressive execution and satisfying flavor make it a standout cigar.
Essence Series: E.P. Carrillo Sumatra, E.P. Carrillo Maduro, E.P. Carrillo Honduras
Wrapper: Various (depending on blend)
Binder: Various
Filler: Various
Diverse range of flavors
High-quality construction
Unique blends
Limited availability
Some blends may not appeal to all smokers
E.P. Carrillo’s Essence Series was introduced at a recent PCA trade show, aiming to awaken the senses with six unique blends, showcasing different wrapper styles. The Essence Series features three primary blends: Maduro, Sumatra, and Honduras, each designed to highlight distinct flavor profiles.
The E.P. Carrillo Maduro, crafted with a Mexican San Andrés wrapper, Honduran binder, and Nicaraguan fillers, delivers bold flavors. The E.P. Carrillo Honduras is notable as the first blend in the Essence Series produced outside of the Carrillo factory, made at a Plasencia factory in Honduras. Each cigar in the Essence Series is available in three sizes: Robusto, Toro, and Gordo, packaged in traditional cedar boxes. Perez Carrillo, Ernesto Perez Carrillo.
Unleash the Full Flavor of Nicaragua with INCH Nicaragua Cigars!
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Full Nicaraguan flavor
Excellent construction
Smooth burn and draw
Only available in large ring gauges
Can be strong for some smokers
The INCH Nicaragua line is produced at Plasencia Cigars S.A., utilizing Nicaraguan tobaccos from the Plasencia family, including a shade-grown wrapper from Jalapa. Introduced as a regular production addition to the successful INCH series in 2022, these cigars are exclusively crafted from Nicaraguan tobaccos.
With a flavor profile featuring notes of natural tobacco, wood, cedar, earth, and pepper, the INCH Nicaragua offers a rich and satisfying smoke. The construction has been praised for its excellent burn and draw characteristics. However, its large ring gauge might not appeal to all smokers, and its strength transitions from medium to full as the cigar progresses.
Experience the Bold Elegance of INCH Natural Cigars: Crafted for the Connoisseur
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sumatra
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan and Dominican Republic
Rich and robust flavor
High-quality construction
Elegant presentation
Medium strength may not appeal to all
INCH Natural Cigars are designed specifically for cigar aficionados, emphasizing a rich and robust smoking experience. These cigars feature a unique blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, delivering a full-bodied flavor profile. The craftsmanship is highlighted by the use of aged tobaccos, enhancing their complexity and depth.
Characterized by prominent oak and earthy flavors, complemented by a slight hint of black pepper, the INCH Natural No. 60 cigar maintains a medium strength throughout its smoking experience. Despite a slightly wavy burn line, the construction quality is very good, making it suitable for prolonged smoking sessions.
Experience Grandeur: The INCH Maduro Cigars – A Celebration of Big Ring Gauge Excellence
Wrapper: USA Broadleaf
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan and Dominican Republic
Rich and sweet flavor profile
High-quality construction
Aromatic smoking experience
Prominent veins in the wrapper
Larger sizes might be overwhelming
The INCH Series pays tribute to large ring gauge cigars, reflecting the vision of master blender Ernesto Carrillo to create substantial smoking experiences. The INCH Maduro cigars feature a rich flavor profile with sweet, earthy notes complemented by hints of spice and cedar. Crafted with a USA Broadleaf wrapper and a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers, they provide a medium-full flavored smoke.
These fantastic cigars deliver an aromatic smoking experience, combining spicy and woody notes with sweet undertones. However, the prominent veins in the wrapper and the larger sizes might be overwhelming for some smokers, making it an interesting cigar for those who appreciate complexity.
Revolutionizing Tradition: Discover the Creamy Flavors of New Wave Connecticut Cigars
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan and Dominican Republic
Mild to medium-bodied profile
Smooth draw
Award-winning cigar
Mild strength may not appeal to those seeking robust flavors
Slightly higher price for Connecticut wrappers
New Wave Connecticut cigars feature a mild to medium-bodied profile with a blend of spicy and sweet notes. The rich flavor profile combines creamy notes with a surprising kick of spice, elevating the traditional Connecticut experience. This unique blend of premium tobaccos contributes to its complex flavor, including earthy undertones and a hint of peppery spice.
Rated as a mild medium cigar, the New Wave Connecticut appeals to both novice smokers and seasoned aficionados. Its exceptional draw and smooth flavor make it a preferred choice for morning smoking, especially alongside a cup of coffee. With a 92 rating from Cigar Aficionado for the Brillantes size, this cigar stands out among cigar enthusiasts.
Choosing the Right E.P. Carrillo Cigar for You
Selecting the perfect E.P. Carrillo cigar involves considering several key factors: flavor profile, strength, construction quality, occasion, and size/shape. ep carrillo cigars are recognized for their craftsmanship, with a focus on quality, character, and family heritage. Each cigar is crafted using premium tobacco sourced mainly from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, ensuring a rich and satisfying smoking experience.
For those who prefer a full-bodied cigar, the EP Carrillo Pledge, with its deep notes of leather, earth, and dark fruit sweetness, is an excellent choice. If a smooth and balanced smoke is what you seek, La Historia combines chocolate, coffee, and pepper with a creamy finish. For a complex and highly rated experience, the Encore offers rich flavors of earth, spice, and sweet tobacco.
Construction quality is a crucial factor; well-constructed cigars ensure a consistent burn and draw, enhancing the overall smoking experience.
Lastly, the occasion also plays a role in choosing the right cigar. Lighter options, such as the New Wave Connecticut, are perfect for casual settings or morning smokes, while robust cigars like the INCH Maduro are ideal for celebrations. These factors will guide you to the E.P. Carrillo cigar that matches your preferences, enhancing your smoking experience.
E.P. Carrillo cigars offer a diverse range of smoking experiences, each tailored to different preferences and occasions. From the full-bodied richness of the EP Carrillo Pledge, considered a great cigar due to its excellent quality relative to its price, to the smooth elegance of La Historia, there is a cigar for every aficionado. The highly acclaimed Encore stands out with its complex flavors and top ratings, while the Allegiance and Encore Black showcase the artistry and collaboration behind the brand.
The Essence Series provides a variety of blends, each with unique characteristics, and the INCH series caters to those who appreciate bold flavors and larger ring gauges. The New Wave Connecticut revolutionizes the traditional Connecticut experience with its rich and spicy profile.
Choosing the right E.P. Carrillo cigar involves considering the flavor profile, strength, construction quality, occasion, and size/shape. By understanding these aspects, you can find the perfect cigar to suit your palate and enhance your smoking journey. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or new to the world of cigars, E.P. Carrillo’s offerings promise a memorable and satisfying experience. Light up, relax, and enjoy the legacy of Ernesto Perez Carrillo.