Asylum Cigars
Asylum Cigars are a collaboration between Tom Lazuka and Christian Eiroa. Both thinking of shaking the traditional world of cigars, and they did. Asylum Cigars are premiums that are made with the finest quality of Nicaraguan, Dominican and Honduran combination of tobaccos and have the tendency to be huge in sizes and flavours. The different Asylum Cigars lines can be pure Nicaraguan or a combination of long fillers from different south american countries. Asylum Cigars run the spectrum between mild to medium to full body in strength. These cigars are available in different sizes, including some unprecedented ones and diverses blends. Each Asylum Cigars offers rich and satisfying smoke combined with the deepest and chewy notes of coffee, leather and black tobacco. The final touch is a combination of spicy-sweet notes. Christian Eiroa did it again. Try these rich puro at an attractive price from our shop.