7-20-4 Cigars
Seize the Bold Flavor of 7-20-4 Cigars by Kurt Kendall.
7-20-4 Cigars was originally founded by R.G. Sullivan in 1874 but later Kurt A. Kendall, an old-school cigar enthusiast, acquired and re-launched it. Kurt Kendall's revived the 7-20-4 Cigars and devoted himself to making it one of the finest blends available in the market.
7-20-4 Cigars: Perfect for Cigar lovers worldwide
He crafted those using long filler tobaccos from a variety of Latin American countries namely, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, and Columbia, and a Costa Rican binder. These cigars come wrapped in a Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper hand-picked by Kurt Kendall's master blender. As a result of all these combinations of long filler tobaccos, 7-20-4 Cigars turned out to be medium-bodied, smooth, and flavorful cigars. You can shop these premium cigars at an attractive price from us at Cuencacigars.com. Kurt Kendall master blender mixing Honduran Tobacco, Nicaraguan Tobaccos, and Mexican Tobaccos.
From medium-bodied to full flavor profiles, 7-20-4 cigars feature beautiful packaging to resemble the American lifestyle. Showcasing the love for animals and family. At Cuenca Cigars, we carry some of the line’s most popular cigars, including:
- 7-20-4 1874 Series
- 7-20-4 Factory 57
- 7-20-4 Hustler Series
- 7-20-4 Original
- 7-20-4 WK Series
If you are ready to enjoy one of the best Nicaraguans and Honduran cigars, order a box of our 7-20-4 cigars today.
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