Who Needs Cuban? 10 of the Best Nicaraguan Cigars Part 1
Posted by Ana Cuenca on Jan 11, 2019
Looking for a new cigar? Nicaragua's cigars are an excellent choice. From the classic smoking experience to often surpassing Cuban offerings, these Nicaraguan cigars should definitely be on your radar. Here is why you need to try 10 of the best Nicaraguan cigars!
When most people consider cigars, they think of Cubans. However, there are a plethora of other cigar and tobacco-producing nations that produce premium quality tobacco products that have yet to be fully appreciated and celebrated all the cigars.
From my viewpoint, Cuban Cigars are restricted to only one country or region and lack variety. However, by blending tobacco from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and other places plus aging them correctly in optimal conditions you can create cigars with an impeccable draw due to superior construction techniques allowing for proper storage and maintenance. Furthermore, the flavor profiles become more unique so it is appealing to satisfy a broader customer base.
Unfortunately, the wide availability of counterfeit Cuban cigars (even when purchased in Cuba) can make it difficult to identify and acquire legitimate Cubans—a potentially risky enterprise.
If you understand the fact that top-tier Cuban cigars can range from $30-$50 or more, depending on your location, then it is no surprise why so many cigar aficionados have started turning to alternative brands as they offer similar quality and flavor but at a fraction of the cost. It's clear that this shift has become increasingly popular amongst experienced smokers who now prefer seeking out these different options over pricey Cubans.
Have you heard about Nicaraguan tobacco brands? They are renowned for producing some of the spice coffee world's most acclaimed cigars!
Are you seeking the finest Nicaraguan cigars of 2019? Look no further than browse this comprehensive list! In addition, discover the best Nicaraguan cigar worth your hard-earned money.
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amore is a work of art from the world renowned Don Pepin Garcia and Ashton Cigars. Adding to its mystique, this cigar was awarded an impressive 95-perfect rating by Cigar Aficionado and proudly named No. 2 in their 2011 list of the country' top cigars! Every puff transports you with its blend of almonds, dark cocoa, spices, and black pepper - making it one of Nicaragua country's finest smokes. To learn more about this remarkable brand click here!
The Padron 1964 Anniversary Series presents an exciting selection of traditional Nicaraguan cigars blended with a unique flavor unlike any other in the market. This variety is based on two fundamental concepts - Natural and Maduro smoke - that come together to produce this exquisite collection featuring their world renowned Family Blend, along with the highly sought-after Padron 1964 and Padron 1926 lines, as well as classic old-timers like the special Padron Series.
The Padron family of blends may require some getting used to, but once you're hooked it will be hard for you to put the cigars down. For those who truly appreciate a flavorful cigar, this Nicaraguan blend is a perfect choice. You can expect hints of cinnamon and nutmeg that combine with cedar and pepper spices- making every puff an explosion of flavor! If you'd like to sample this exquisite blend for yourself, click here now for more information on the delicious Padron 1964 Line blends, click here.
Seeking a cigar of outstanding flavor? Then try the San Cristobal Revelation line, crafted at My Father Cigar Factory in Esteli Nicaragua. Every puff will surprise your taste buds with delicate notes of caramel, leather, cedar and almonds. This smooth, almost medium full-bodied box-pressed masterpiece earned 92 points from Cigar Aficionado's 2018 April issue — so don't wait any longer to indulge! Shop now for San Cristobal cigars and experience an exquisite smoking journey like never before.
The Garcia family's cigar-making capabilities are legendary; their masterpiece, Le Bijou, is a testament to that. With its mix of semi-sweet cocoa and hints of buttery undertones blended with an irresistible peppery zest - this isn't your average smoke! Moreover, the My Father Le Bijou 1922 Torpedo was voted No 1 Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado back in 2015. Be warned though: it may not be ideal for beginners as it tends to challenge some rules when savored in its box-pressed form! This is an absolute medium full bodied smoke!
The Garcia family's Flor de las Antillas is an extraordinary blend of mellow fruit, spice, and cedar that produces a creamy smooth draw unlike anything else on the market. It has been rated as Cigar Aficionado's "Cigar of the Year" for its exceptional, mild to medium full-bodied smoke filled with layers of irresistible flavor. This cigar is certainly sure to please every palate - from beginning to end it offers an experience comparable to or even surpassing some Cuban cigars!
Tatuaje doesn't depend on a large-scale advertising campaign to promote their smokes - they simply focus on providing top-notch quality cigars. Pete Johnson knows how to craft cigars that don't fail in delivering the perfect combination of nutty spices, wood, and a rich, leathery flavor. This full, medium-bodied cigar from Tatuaje easily deserves its place among the best Nicaraguan blends out there.
Oliva Cigar is a long-standing tobacco manufacturer that oversees its operations from seed to wrapper to cigar. The esteemed Serie V - one of oliva and their finest masterpieces - offers an intense and full-bodied experience for the true aficionado. Aromas of rich dark chocolate and robust spices provide this stick with a rich and unique flavor profile, culminating in an exquisite finish.
Liga Privada #9 is a symbol of luxurious indulgence, with Jonathan Drew's Drew Estate brand image front and center. Maintaining their core values, these cigars offer an exquisite combination of coffee beans and black pepper that make each puff worth savoring. The intricate craftsmanship behind the cigars makes them unmatched; they are undeniably perfecto the epitome of success!
Davidoff is renowned for its Cuban-style tobaccos, yet their cigars are typically Dominican blends. Just a few years ago they changed up the formula to join in with other global tobacco producers, and this gave rise to the Davidoff Nicaraguan. This cigar packs an intense flavor that's more pungent than you would expect from a typical Davidoff blend; it has a creamy medium body and a spicy finish that stands out among its counterparts.
Perdomo cigars are beloved for their accessibility and exquisite flavor. But the Perdomo Champagne line goes beyond, providing an unforgettable mellow smoke perfect for any enthusiast. 10th Anniversary Champagne is a rich, magical blend of coffee cream, white pepper, and leather that tantalizes your taste buds with every puff. This cigar guarantees an experience that will leave you wanting more!
Get Your Hands on the Best Nicaraguan Cigars Today
Don't be fooled into believing Cuban cigars are your only option! The Country of Nicaragua has a reputation for its cigars and offering some of the world the finest, most indulgent cigar experiences. So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity by visiting our website and savoring an exquisite Nicaraguan smoke - you won't regret it!