Top Cigar of the Year: Discover the Best Picks for Aficionados
Posted by Ana Cuenca on Dec 31, 2024
Top Cigar of the Year: Cigar Aficionado Annual Review
Curious about the prestigious list from our annual review of the best cigars of the year? The 2024 title goes to My Father The Judge Grand Robusto. Learn what sets this cigar apart and how it was chosen, and explore other top cigars of the year in our detailed review.
Key Takeaways
The 2024 Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado is awarded to My Father The Judge Grand Robusto, scoring 98 points, exemplifying the brand’s dedication and craftsmanship.
The selection process for the Cigar of the Year involves rigorous blind tastings coordinated by the tasting coordinator, ensuring unbiased evaluations by a panel of seasoned experts.
The top 25 cigars of 2024 reflect a diverse range of options, highlighting exceptional quality and flavor while catering to various smoking preferences.
Cigar Aficionado’s judges smoke the highest-scoring cigars again in a competitive tournament to determine the final rankings.
Unveiling the Cigar of the Year
The 2024 Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado has been awarded to the My Father The Judge Grand Robusto, achieving an impressive score of 98 points. This accolade is a testament to the dedication and expertise of My Father Cigars, a brand that has consistently delivered some of the finest cigars in the industry.
The story of My Father Cigars is a modern-day American Dream. José “Pepín” Garcia, the company’s founder, emigrated from Cuba to the United States in 2002, bringing with him the rare skill of rolling Cuban-style cigars that captivated American smokers. These stories of craftsmanship and passion resonate with cigar enthusiasts.
My Father Cigars has since released several successful lines, including La Gran Oferta, La Opulencia, and Le Bijou 1922, named the 2015 Cigar of the Year. The Judge, introduced in 2016, stands out with its bold, full-bodied flavor and intricate packaging that echoes the lithographic art of the early 20th century. This date marks a significant milestone in the brand's history, showcasing their continuous innovation.
This year’s recognition of The Judge Grand Robusto highlights the brand’s continuous innovation and commitment to excellence. My Father Cigars is known for its high-quality production, with all tobacco grown in Nicaragua by the García family.
The Selection Process
The process of selecting the Cigar of the Year is as rigorous as it is meticulous, ensuring that only the finest cigars earn a spot on the prestigious list. Cigar Aficionado conducts blind taste tests to guarantee unbiased ratings, with brand identities obscured to focus solely on the cigar’s quality. A tasting coordinator purchases cigars from retail, rebrands them with unique codes, and organizes these blind tastings, ensuring a fair and level playing field for all contenders.
Each cigar is judged on its construction, draw, burn performance, and flavor complexity, without any knowledge of its price or origin. This methodical approach is overseen by a tasting coordinator who ensures that all identifying labels are removed before the cigars reach the judging panel. The panel itself is composed of editors with over a century of combined experience in the cigar industry, lending their seasoned expertise to the evaluation process.
The top-scoring cigars from these blind taste tests advance to a second round, where they compete against each other in another series of blind tastings. This rigorous scoring and evaluation process culminates in the final list of the top 25 cigars of the year, each earning its place through exceptional performance and quality. The result is a curated selection that represents the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship and flavor.
In-Depth Review
The My Father The Judge Grand Robusto is a cigar that tells a story with every puff. Crafted with a dark, Sumatra-seed Ecuadoran wrapper, the rest of the tobacco, including Nicaraguan tobacco, comes from farms across Nicaragua, meticulously selected by the Garcia family over many years. This blend includes two binders, one Corojo and one Criollo, sourced from three distinct regions: La Bonita Two farm in Jalapa, El Pedrero in Estelí, and San Rafael in Namanji.
The cigar’s thick ring gauge allows for a full exploration of Nicaragua’s rich tobacco flavors, delivering a complex and satisfying smoke. Each draw reveals an ample core of earth, toast, and wood, complemented by finer nutty details and sweet undercurrents, creating a bold yet balanced experience. It’s not just a cigar; it’s a testament to the passion for tobacco, a strong work ethic, and a deep belief in the power of family, as noted by Gregory Mottola in his review.
The Judge Grand Robusto, beyond its robust flavor profile, embodies the rich heritage and innovative spirit of My Father Cigars. It’s a product of dedication, artistry, and a relentless pursuit of perfection, making it a deserving recipient of the Cigar of the Year title. As noted by Gregory Mottola, the executive editor of Cigar Aficionado, the Judge Grand Robusto embodies the rich heritage and innovative spirit of My Father Cigars.
Runner-Up Highlights: The Top 25 Cigars of 2024
While My Father The Judge Grand Robusto takes the top honor, the rest of the Top 25 cigars of 2024 showcase an impressive array of exceptional choices. The Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua Espeso and the La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Box-Pressed Torpedo are just a couple of the standout selections. Each cigar on this list has earned its place through outstanding quality and flavor, appealing to a wide range of cigar smokers.
Notable mentions include the Cohiba Riviera Robusto, E.P. Carrillo Encore Celestial, and the La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Chiselito Maduro, each offering unique and memorable smoking experiences. The Padrón cigars Serie 1926 No. 6, a beloved classic, also makes an appearance, reaffirming its status as one of the best cigars available. These boutique blends highlight the unique characteristics and craftsmanship that set them apart in the industry.
From the rich and complex Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Torpedo to the bold and flavorful Rocky Patel Conviction Toro, the top 25 list covers a diverse spectrum of blends and profiles. These cigars represent the pinnacle of craftsmanship in the cigar industry, offering something for every palate and preference.
Expert Opinions
Premium handmade cigars are revered for their natural and artisanal qualities, composed solely of unaltered tobacco. The creation of a single handmade cigar is a labor-intensive process, involving hundreds of skilled hands from planting to rolling. Experts emphasize the importance of fermentation in enhancing flavor, reducing bitterness, and improving overall smokability. Aging tobacco is equally crucial, allowing the leaves to mature and blend together for a more refined smoking experience.
Understanding the anatomy of a cigar—its wrapper, binder, and filler—is essential for appreciating its construction and smoking characteristics. While price can be an indicator of quality, it’s not always a guarantee. Affordable cigars can sometimes outperform their pricier counterparts in blind tastings.
The debate over Cuban versus non-Cuban cigars remains, but many non-Cuban options are equally celebrated for their quality.
Consumer Feedback
Consumer feedback plays a vital role in the cigar world, offering insights into real-world experiences with the top-rated cigars. Reviews from cigar smokers often highlight the quality of construction, flavor profiles, and overall satisfaction with the cigars. Ensuring that your browser is updated is crucial for proper viewing and functionality of the site. This guarantees an optimal and accessible user experience on the site. Feedback on the top 25 cigars of 2024 aligns with expert opinions, with many consumers praising the rich flavors and excellent craftsmanship.
Online forums and cigar enthusiast groups provide a platform for consumers to share their thoughts and experiences, creating a vibrant community of cigar aficionados. These conversations help shape perceptions and preferences within the cigar industry, offering valuable insights for both manufacturers and fellow smokers.
Best Cigars by Category
The Top 25 cigars of 2024 are not just about overall rankings; they also shine in specific categories that cater to different preferences. Whether you’re looking for the best full-bodied cigar, a medium-bodied option, or the best value cigar, including bargain cigars, there’s something for every cigar smoker.
Best Full-Bodied Cigars
Full-bodied cigars are known for their intense flavors and robust profiles, appealing to those who enjoy a strong smoking experience. The Fuente Fuente OpusX Reserva D'Chateau by Carlos Carlito Fuente Jr, rated 97 points, is celebrated for its leathery and spicy notes, earning the 2023 Cigar of the Year title. The cigar is crafted by Arturo Fuente Cigar Co., a company established by the Fuente family in the Dominican Republic.
Padrón Serie 1926 No. 48 Maduro, with its harmonious blend of cocoa and honey, is another top contender, scoring 96 points. Padrón Cigars is renowned for its exquisite boutique blends, frequently securing a spot among the Top 3 Cigars of the Year.
Other notable mentions include the La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Belicoso, praised for its robust flavor and 95-point score, and the powerful El Pulpo, which achieved a score of 94. These full-bodied cigars offer a rich and satisfying smoking experience, perfect for those who appreciate bold flavors.
Best Medium-Bodied Cigars
Medium-bodied cigars strike a balance between complexity and smoothness, offering a refined smoking experience. Medium-full strength cigars often utilize a blend of different tobaccos. The Padrón Serie 1926 No. 48 Natural, known for its rich blend of cocoa, almond, and honey, maintains a medium strength profile and scored 96 points.
The Oliva Serie V Melanio Toro, with its intricate blend of spices and earthy notes, is another standout, reflecting the company’s commitment to quality. Spicy notes like nutmeg and cinnamon are common flavor components in cigars. Woodsy flavors like cedar are often found in higher quality cigars.
Oliva Cigar Co. was acquired by the Vandermarliere Cigar Family in 2016, maintaining the tradition of excellence established by the Oliva family.
The Timeless Prestige Cigar by Fero Tego is recognized for its light woody flavor complemented by notes of toasted almond and cashew, making it a favorite among medium-bodied cigar smokers. These cigars offer a delightful smoking experience, appealing to those who enjoy a more balanced and nuanced flavor profile.
Best Value Cigars
Value cigars offer excellent quality at a reasonable price, making them a great choice for budget-conscious smokers. The La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Belicoso is noted for its robust smoking experience and excellent quality relative to its price. This cigar exemplifies the concept of bargain cigars, where flavor profile balance, construction quality, and customer reviews are key selection criteria.
Purchasing cigars in bulk can also lead to significant cost savings, making it more economical than buying single sticks. The cigar industry has evolved to provide accessible high-quality options, diminishing the gap between luxury and everyday cigars. These value cigars ensure that smokers can enjoy premium experiences without breaking the bank.
Trends in the Cigar Industry
The cigar industry is constantly evolving, with several trends shaping its future. In 2024, nearly half of U.S. retailers reported an increase in cigar sales compared to the previous year, indicating a continued growth trend. Despite fluctuations in total sales, the premium cigar segment has shown modest growth, reflecting strong consumer interest.
Flavored cigars have also seen a surge in popularity, with estimates suggesting that 37% to 47% of popular-priced large cigars are flavored. Large cigars, in particular, have become a significant part of this trend, appealing to a broad range of consumers. However, the industry faces ongoing challenges, including a decrease in total cigar sales to 11.8 billion units in 2023.
These trends highlight the dynamic nature of the cigar market and the need for manufacturers to adapt to changing consumer preferences.
Interviews with Makers
Every exceptional cigar carries a unique story, and Miguel Cuenca's journey is particularly captivating. Since emigrating from Cuba in 2001, Miguel has left a notable mark on the cigar industry with Cuenca Cigars. His vision, embodied in the diverse range of brands and the exclusive "The Best o Nada" OpusX Humidor, reflects his commitment to excellence. Inspired by his Cuban roots, Miguel has pioneered a trend that highlights the intense flavors of various tobaccos, a signature of his brand.
Founded in 2006, Cuenca Cigars stands out for its genuine passion for tobacco, focusing on crafting cigars that are both unique and complex. Cuenca places great importance on maintaining control over the presentation of its diverse brands, ensuring each cigar offers a distinctive experience.
Cuenca's dedication to pushing boundaries and challenging conventional norms has earned his brand a cult-like following.
The 2024 Cigar Aficionado Annual Review has once again highlighted the exceptional craftsmanship and passion that define the cigar industry. From My Father, The Judge Grand Robusto, crowned Cigar of the Year, to the diverse and outstanding selections in the Top 25 list, this year’s review showcases a variaty of cigars that cater to a wide range of preferences. The rigorous selection process ensures that only the highest quality cigars are recognized, providing cigar smokers with a reliable guide to the finest smokes available.
As we look ahead, the trends and innovations within the cigar industry promise an exciting future. Whether you are an aficionado or a casual smoker, exploring these top-rated cigars offers a journey into the rich and flavorful world of premium tobacco. Embrace the stories, savor the flavors, and appreciate the artistry that goes into every cigar. The world of cigars is as vibrant and dynamic as ever, and there’s never been a better time to be a part of it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the Cigar of the Year chosen by Cigar Aficionado?
The Cigar of the Year is determined through a meticulous blind taste test by Cigar Aficionado, where cigars are evaluated based on construction, draw, burn performance, and flavor complexity without bias from brand or price. This ensures an objective selection process.
What makes My Father The Judge Grand Robusto special?
My Father The Judge Grand Robusto stands out for its intricate blend of Nicaraguan tobacco and a dark Sumatra-seed Ecuadoran wrapper, resulting in a rich and balanced flavor profile. This exceptional quality has earned it the title of 2024 Cigar of the Year.
Are expensive cigars always better?
Bargain cigars are not always better, as affordable cigars can sometimes provide superior quality and smoking experiences. It is crucial to assess quality on a case-by-case basis rather than relying solely on price.
What are the current trends in the cigar industry?
The cigar industry currently trends towards growth in premium cigar sales and rising popularity of flavored cigars and large cigars, despite ongoing challenges in total sales volume. Retailers in the U.S. have reported increased sales, indicating a positive shift in consumer preferences.
How can I find the best value cigars?
To find the best value cigars, including bargain cigars, seek options that balance flavor and construction quality at reasonable prices, such as La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Belicoso. Additionally, purchasing cigars in bulk can yield substantial savings.