Top 3 Cigar of the Year 2024: Must-Try Selections for Enthusiasts

Top 3 Cigar of the Year 2024: Must-Try Selections for Enthusiasts

Posted by Ana Cuenca on Jan 08, 2025

Top 3 Cigar of the Year 2024: Aficionado Picks

Want to know the 3 cigar of the year 2024? We’ve got you covered with the top picks known for their exceptional flavor and craftsmanship. Read on to discover what makes these cigars the best this year. Ernesto Perez Carrillo began his career in the cigar industry in Miami.

Top 3 Cigar of the Year 2024: Aficionado Picks

Key Takeaways

  • The top cigar of 2024 is the Ernesto Perez Carrillo Encore Majestic, praised for its smooth, creamy flavors and complex evolution from caramel to leather.
  • The Rich Earth Blend earned second place, showcasing a deep, earthy profile with robust flavors, thanks to its careful aging and blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos.
  • The third-place Cocoa Powder Infused Delight stands out for its rich cocoa notes and meticulous production technique, providing a consistent and satisfying smoking experience.
  • The EP Carrillo Encore was awarded the number-one cigar by Cigar Aficionado in 2018.

Cigar Aficionado's Top Pick: Ernesto Perez Carrillo Encore Majestic

Cigar Aficionado's Top Pick: Ernesto Perez Carrillo Encore Majestic

Ernesto Perez Carrillo has been making cigars for more than 50 years. The Encore blend is a Dominican cigar made entirely from Nicaraguan tobaccos. The Ernesto Perez Carrillo Encore Majestic has earned the prestigious title of the top cigar for 2024, a testament to its exceptional quality and the acclaim it has garnered from the cigar aficionado community. This cigar is a masterpiece, offering a smooth and creamy starting flavor that weaves elements of caramel, cocoa, and toffee into a harmonious blend. Each puff is like a warm embrace, inviting you into a world of luxurious flavors.

As you continue to smoke, the Encore Majestic’s flavor profile evolves, revealing layers of leather, salt, and a rich nuttiness that evoke nostalgic aromas of cozy, inviting environments. It’s a journey that takes you from the familiar comforts of home to the exotic allure of distant lands. In the final phase, dominant notes of sea salt caramel and leather emerge, complemented by hints of cinnamon and citrusy orange peel. This complex and dynamic flavor evolution is what makes the Encore Majestic a standout choice for any occasion.

The versatility of the Encore Majestic stands out. It pairs beautifully with both morning coffee and evening drinks, enhancing the experience with its sweet-smelling smoke and rich, layered flavors. It’s no wonder that Carrillo cigars, and this one in particular, have captured the hearts of cigar enthusiasts worldwide.

Runner-Up: The Rich Earth Blend

Runner-Up: The Rich Earth Blend

The Rich Earth Blend, a close contender for the top spot, stands out for its deep, earthy notes that create a distinct aroma, appealing to those who appreciate robust flavors. This blend is a testament to the beauty of simplicity and the power of nature, delivering a smoking experience with a rich and nuanced flavor profile. Each puff reveals new depths, making it a favorite among those who seek complexity in their cigars.

This cigar’s composition is a masterful mix of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, resulting in a well-rounded and satisfying smoke. The careful selection and blending of these tobaccos create a unique balance of strength and smoothness, enhancing the overall enjoyment. The interplay of flavors and the craftsmanship behind each roll make this blend particularly captivating.

Success for the Rich Earth Blend comes from its meticulous aging process, allowing tobaccos to meld and mature, developing a complexity both subtle and profound. This careful aging not only enhances the flavors but also ensures a smooth and satisfying smoke from start to finish.

It’s no surprise that this blend has earned its place as the runner-up in this year’s rankings.

Third Place: Cocoa Powder Infused Delight

Third Place: Cocoa Powder Infused Delight

Securing the third spot is the Cocoa Powder Infused Delight, a cigar that captivates with its rich and deep cocoa powder notes and aromatic qualities. This infusion adds a layer of complexity to the smoking experience, making each puff a journey through a rich tapestry of flavors. The cocoa notes are not just a fleeting sensation; they are a core part of the cigar’s identity, enhancing every moment of the smoke.

The production of this cigar is a meticulous process, utilizing the tight bales technique to ensure an even density and consistent flavor throughout. This technique is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the flavors, allowing the smoker to enjoy a balanced and harmonious experience from start to finish. The combination of cocoa powder notes and this precise production method is what makes this cigar stand out in the eyes of aficionados.

The votes this cigar received from aficionados are a testament to its memorable smoking experience. The rich, layered flavors and the consistent quality make it a favorite among those who seek a unique and satisfying smoke. It’s a perfect example of how innovation and tradition can come together to create something truly special.

Unique Fermentation Process and Tercios Wrapping

The art of cigar making is deeply rooted in tradition and craftsmanship, and one of the most intriguing aspects is the unique fermentation and aging process and tercios wrapping. This method enhances the flavor profile and aromatic qualities of the tobacco, creating a smoking experience that is both rich and smooth. The journey of a cigar from leaf to smoke is a complex one, involving various stages of fermentation and careful handling. The cigar’s fermentation process involves wrapping tobacco leaves with palm tree bark to create a humidification system.

Initial fermentation develops the tobacco leaves’ flavors, beginning with residual humidity, heat from contact, and ambient temperature, creating an environment for fungi and bacteria to act. This process lasts approximately 30 days and is essential for enhancing the softness and flavor of the leaves. The careful control of these conditions ensures that the tobacco develops the desired characteristics without becoming harsh or bitter.

After the initial fermentation, the leaves undergo further processing, including sorting, drying, and humidification. The wrapper leaves, in particular, are carefully handled to ensure they are free from blemishes and have the desired color and structure. This meticulous attention to detail is what makes each cigar a work of art, delivering a smoking experience that is both refined and enjoyable.

Regional Popularity: Texas, Florida, Ohio, and Iowa

Regional consumer preferences play a significant role in the popularity of cigars, revealing distinct tastes and voting patterns among aficionados. In states like Texas, Florida, Ohio, and Iowa, certain cigars stand out, reflecting the unique preferences of their residents. These regional trends are fascinating, offering insights into how different flavors and blends resonate with smokers in various parts of the country.

In Texas, for example, the bold and robust flavors of certain cigars are particularly popular, aligning with the state’s larger-than-life personality. Florida, with its vibrant cigar culture, often leans towards cigars that offer a rich and smooth smoking experience. Ohio and Iowa, meanwhile, have their own distinct preferences, showcasing the diversity of tastes across the country. These regional preferences significantly influence overall cigar rankings, highlighting the importance of understanding local tastes.

Cigar producers can learn a lot from these regional trends, using them to enhance their offerings and cater to the diverse tastes of their consumers. Producers can use these voting patterns to create blends that resonate more deeply with specific markets, ensuring their cigars are well-received and that they are receiving votes from a wide audience.

The Influence of College Towns: LSU, Miami, Duke, Baylor, Louisville

College towns are vibrant hubs of culture and lifestyle, and they have a significant influence on cigar preferences. Places like LSU, Miami, Duke, Baylor, and Louisville are not just centers of education; they are also bustling communities where smoking culture thrives. The youthful and dynamic atmosphere of these towns makes them ideal settings for unique smoking occasions and social gatherings.

In these collegiate environments, cigars that resonate with the lifestyle and preferences of the residents are more likely to gain popularity. The vibrant social scenes, characterized by parties, gatherings, and celebrations, create numerous opportunities for cigar smoking. This, in turn, promotes specific cigar choices that align with the tastes of the college town residents.

The preferences evident in these college towns contribute significantly to the overall rankings of cigars in the market. The influence of these communities cannot be underestimated, as they help shape the trends and preferences that define the cigar world. The impact of college towns on cigar popularity provides valuable insights for both producers and enthusiasts alike.

The Role of Stock and Production Methods

Stock and production methods heavily influence a cigar’s quality. For the Encore Majestic, exclusively Nicaraguan tobaccos from key regions such as Condega, Jalapa, and Esteli are used. The selection of these tobaccos is crucial, as each region imparts unique characteristics to the leaves, contributing to the overall flavor profile of the cigar.

A key aspect of the production process is aging the tobacco leaves, which develops desirable flavors and reduces any harshness. The leaves are often packaged in ‘tercios’, palm tree bark-covered bundles that facilitate aging and further enhance the quality of the tobacco. Each ‘paca’ or ‘tercio’ is labeled with detailed information about the contained leaves, aiding in the blending process and ensuring consistency.

The number of skilled hands involved in the production of a cigar is significant, influencing the final quality of the product. From the selection of the wrapper, binder, and filler to the careful rolling and aging processes, every step is meticulously executed to create a cigar that delivers a superior smoking experience.

The craftsmanship and dedication in this process make cigars like the Encore Majestic truly exceptional. The EP Carrillo Encore Celestial Toro cigar is the first to be purely Nicaraguan. The EP Carrillo Encore Celestial Toro cigar is awarded 90-point ratings.


The journey through the top cigars of 2024 reveals not only the exceptional quality and craftsmanship of these blends but also the rich diversity of preferences among cigar aficionados. The Ernesto Perez Carrillo Encore Majestic stands out for its smooth, evolving flavors and versatility, making it the top pick. The Rich Earth Blend, with its robust and nuanced profile, earns the runner-up spot, while the Cocoa Powder Infused Delight captivates with its rich cocoa notes and consistent quality.

Understanding the unique fermentation processes and regional preferences further enhances our appreciation of these cigars. The influence of college towns and the meticulous production methods all contribute to the final product that aficionados cherish. As you explore these top picks, may you discover new favorites and deepen your love for the art of cigar making. Happy smoking!

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the Ernesto Perez Carrillo Encore Majestic the top pick?

The Ernesto Perez Carrillo Encore Majestic stands out for its smooth and evolving flavors, paired with nostalgic aromas that enhance your smoking experience. Plus, its versatility makes it a perfect match with a variety of beverages.

Why is the Rich Earth Blend the runner-up?

The Rich Earth Blend is the runner-up because its deep, earthy notes and robust flavors offer a truly rich and nuanced smoking experience. You can really appreciate the careful aging process that enhances its character.

What is special about the Cocoa Powder Infused Delight?

he Cocoa Powder Infused Delight offers a unique and consistent smoking experience thanks to its rich cocoa notes and tight bales technique. It's a treat for both the senses and the palate!

How do regional preferences affect cigar rankings?

Regional preferences play a big role in cigar rankings, as each area has its unique tastes that shape consumer choices. This diversity in preferences ultimately influences how cigars are rated and celebrated.

How do college towns influence cigar popularity?

College towns boost cigar popularity by creating lively social settings where unique smoking events encourage specific cigar selections among students and young adults.