Best Honduras Cigars | The Land of Fine Tobaccos
Posted by Ana Cuenca on Mar 24, 2016
Nicaraguan and Dominican cigars get a lot of press, but what about Honduran cigars? Cigars that come from Honduras might not be in the news as much, but they do bring a lot to the table. Learn a little bit more about what makes Honduran cigars so special.
The History of Honduran Cigars
When the Cuban Revolution happened in the 1960’s, many cigar experts relocated from Cuba to Honduras. They chose the country for its excellent soil and ideal climate. In fact, Honduras had everything the knowledgeable cigar makers needed to produce high-quality tobacco for cigars. The tobacco was grown with the experience of Cubans, and had all the benefits of the Honduran soil and climate. As a result, excellent cigars were made.
What Makes The Honduran Cigars So Special?
The taste and aroma is what really makes these cigars stand out. With brands like Alec Bradley, Camacho, and Puros Indios making cigars in Honduras, the country is home to some of the best full-bodied cigars you could ever come across. Most people who smoke Honduran cigars experience love at first smoke. Try one, and you might never go back.
Among the Honduran Cigars you can find: Camacho, J. Fuego Cigar Co, Kafie Cigars, 7-20-4, Some of the Alec Bradley Cigars, Maya Selva, Asylum, CLE Signature Series, Eiroa Cigars, Rocky Patel Cigars, A. Turrent, Room 101, Carlos Torano, Punch Cigars, Miro Cigars, Sencillo Cigars
Cuenca Cigars sells a wide variety of Honduran cigars. Buy them for the best online prices when you shop cigars online with us.