Havanas for Less Than a Hamilton: The Best Affordable Cigars
Posted by ana cuenca on May 08, 2023
Mythology Cigars' Nicaraguan blend of premium tobaccos. This is a great smoke for those who enjoy a satisfying cigar experience. Although they may not be well known, Cuenca Cigars highly recommends these cigars. You can try the Mythology Cigars Maduro Arpia in Toro or Robusto or the Mythology Cigars Satiro in Habano for only $29.99 and share your opinion. A small group of friends makes this product for cigar enthusiasts with a similar dream. Give them a try and see for yourself!
Get the Nicaraguan Puro sampler for just $29.99. Try the Chillin Moose Bull Moose Robusto Gordo for a big ring Nicaraguan Puro experience. The Joya Red Toro is packed with flavor and balance, and the Brick House Toro Maduro is a mellow to a medium-bodied gem from J.C. Newman Company. This cigar sampler offers a range of everyday smokes, from mild to medium to full, providing a taste of Nicaragua.
You can purchase a pack of three handmade cigars for $29.99 which includes JFR Connecticut Titan made with Aganorsa tobaccos, Nub Habano 460, and Raw Dog by Oscar Valladares. These cigars may not look extraordinary, but their taste will pleasantly surprise you. The JFR Connecticut has a golden-brown wrapper, the Nub Habano has a brownish Habano wrapper, and both of them have Nicaraguan blends. The Raw Dog is made in Honduras and has received positive feedback from the cigar community.
The Nica Rustica El Brujito cigars have a Cuban-style pigtail cap and a strong Nicaraguan taste. They are smooth and well-balanced. The Joya Cabineta Belicoso cigars are made with Nicaraguan tobacco and have two wraps made of Habana-seed leaves, one of which is Ecuadorian Connecticut shade. The Quesada Oktoberfest Bavarian is a Maduro Robusto that honors the German beer festival and has a full-bodied taste. You can buy three cigars at a discounted price of $29.99.
For $29.99, you can get a package that comes with three high-quality cigars from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. These include the Guardian of the Farm Rambo, which is wrapped in Corojo and made by Aganorsa Leaf, the San Cristobal Classic, a carefully crafted Nicaraguan cigar, and The Cuban Corona Natural, a classic from Arturo Fuente. It's the perfect way to make your weekday better!
You can purchase a package for $29.99, which includes three premium cigars from Nicaragua and Honduras. The cigars are the Crowned Heads Tennessee Waltz, wrapped in U.S.A. Connecticut Broadleaf, the La Gloria Cubana Society Cigar, a Honduran puro wrapped with an Olancho San Agustin, and the Original Sancho Panza, wrapped in Honduran Connecticut Seed. It's a great value for a smoke-out evening with friends.
This sampler at $29.99 includes various flavors from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. It starts with a mild Arturo Fuente Short Story and gradually increases the strength to a medium Caldwell Blind Man's Puff Connecticut. The sampler ends with a fuller Nicaraguan Blend called Jaime Reserva Especial, perfect for the end of the evening. This would be perfect for sampling with friends on a Sunday.
There are certain luxuries you can't help but associate with a celebration. A good bottle of champagne, a cake with candles on top, a well-cooked steak; they all scream "you did the thing and you deserve a reward!"
Cigars are another monument of the jubilant spirit. Since at least the 10th century, people have met good news with a puff of smoke and a smile. Mark Twain once declared that he wouldn't go to heaven unless smoking is allowed.
But the hobby of cigar smoking can be cost-prohibitive. The best varieties cost thousands per box, and even a mid-range option could run you $50 a piece. But you don't have to break the bank to celebrate in style; the best affordable cigars can give you the same experience as those more expensive brands.
Finding the Best Affordable Cigars
With these affordable cigar options, you can enjoy a relaxed evening with friends or a raucous party without making your bank account cringe. Enjoy one of these great, affordable cigars at your next event. Save that money for a good humidor so you can store your favorite brands in style!
1. Arturo Fuente Hemingway Cigars
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway brand hails from the Dominican Republic, and its cigars come in a specially made cedar box. Though that may sound like the height of luxury, the most affordable cigar in the collection will run you about $7 per piece!
Cigar Aficionado named the Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story cigar one of the top 25 cigars of 2017. Each cigar is in the perfect shape and wrapped in a Cameroon wrapper.
2. Caldwell Blind Man's Puff Connecticut
Another export of the Dominican Republic, the Caldwell brand is the brainchild of longtime cigar aficionado Robert Caldwell. After years supplying high-end cigars to restaurants and hotels, he turned his attention to creating his own brand in 2014.
Caldwell's Blind Man's Puff Connecticut cigars are made with a secret recipe-- and who doesn't enjoy a bit of mystique? The cigar comes in three varieties for a range of tastes, and each costs about $8-$9 per cigar.
3. Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial
Jaime Garcia is the son of Don Pepin Garcia, a cigar magnate in his own right. Some things must be genetic, because the younger Garcia's cigars consistently win high ratings and rave reviews.
These cigars are of Nicaraguan origin and come in a variety of shapes and wrappers. A single Jaime Garcia Reservo Especial costs between $5 and $10, depending on the type you select.
Celebrate in Style
No matter the occasion, the best affordable cigars will lend you the elegance and luxury your celebration deserves. And if you're looking to further elevate your next dinner party or get-together, give our blog a try. We have all sorts of suggestions for making the most of your cigar!
This sampler come particular handy when looking for the Best Birthday Gift. It is made with not only three of the Best Cigars in the market but also affordable and covering a vast spectrum of smokes. Look no more, the sampler comes with a Cuenca Perfect Cutter valued at $19.99 but it is free when you purchase this sampler! It doesn't get better than that.
Why people always look for the best Affordable Cigars?
There are certain luxuries you can't help but associate with a celebration. A good bottle of champagne, a cake with candles on top, a well-cooked steak; they all scream "you did the thing and you deserve a reward!" Cigars are another monument of the jubilant spirit. Since at least the 10th century, people have met good news with a puff of smoke and a smile. Mark Twain once declared that he wouldn't go to heaven unless smoking is allowed.
But the hobby of cigar smoking can be cost-prohibitive. The best varieties cost thousands per box, and even a mid-range option could run you $30-$40 a piece. But you don't have to break the bank to celebrate in style; the best affordable cigars can give you the same experience as those more expensive brands.
How to find the Best Affordable Cigars?
With these affordable cigar options, you can enjoy a relaxed evening with friends or a raucous party without making your bank account cringe. Enjoy one of these great, affordable cigars at your next event. Save that money for a good humidor so you can store your favorite brands in style! Here is a small list of three of these affordable smokes:
What are the best occassions to celebrate with cigars?
- Weddings
- Anniversaries
- New Baby
- Every day
No matter the occasion, the best affordable cigars will lend you the elegance and luxury your celebration deserves. And if you're looking to further elevate your next dinner party or get-together, give our blog a try. We have all sorts of suggestions for making the most of your cigar! This sampler come particular handy when looking for the Best Birthday Gift. It is made with not only three of the Best Cigars in the market but also affordable and covering a vast spectrum of smokes. Look no more, the sampler comes with a Cuenca Perfect Cutter valued at $19.99 but it is free when you purchase this sampler! It doesn't get better than that.