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Exploring the World of Romeo y Julieta Non-Cuban Cigars

Exploring the World of Romeo y Julieta Non-Cuban Cigars

Posted by Ana Cuenca on Jun 16, 2023

Imagine a world where you can enjoy the sophisticated flavors and craftsmanship of Romeo y Julieta cigars without the limitations of Cuban origins. Welcome to the world of Romeo y Julieta Non-Cuban cigars, where tradition meets innovation, and aficionados can savor a diverse range of premium cigars. In this blog post, we’ll explore the origins, iconic blends, popular sizes, and shapes of Romeo y Julieta Non-Cuban cigars, as well as how to purchase them, and their collaborations with renowned cigar maker AJ Fernandez. Romeo y Julieta Non-Cuban cigars are perfect for those looking for an everyday cigar.

Embark on a journey to discover the untold story of Romeo y Julieta Non-Cuban cigars, an exquisite alternative to traditional Cuban cigars for cigar connoisseurs around the globe. Are you ready to dive into a realm of unparalleled taste and craftsmanship? Let’s begin our expedition today.

Short Summary

  • Explore the world of non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars, crafted by key players such as Altadis USA, with iconic blends like Reserva Real, 1875 and Vintage.
  • Enjoy a range of sizes and shapes from Robusto to Belicoso for unique flavor profiles featuring cedar, leather & spice notes.
  • Purchase online or in stores with age verification processes while evaluating quality through Cigar Aficionado ratings (70 - 100).

Discovering Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta Cigars

In a world where Cuban cigars are highly sought after, it’s easy to overlook the gems that lie beyond the borders of Cuba. Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars offer an enticing alternative for those who crave the impeccable quality and taste of Romeo y Julieta, without the Cuban restrictions. Originating as a Cuban brand in 1875, Romeo y Julieta has since expanded its offerings to include a diverse selection of Non-Cuban blends, forming a great collection for cigar enthusiasts and providing them with a world of flavors to explore.

The journey of non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars began in 2003, when the first of these exceptional blends were introduced to the market. Today, key players such as Altadis USA, a sister company of Imperial Tobacco have helped shape the Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta market, offering aficionados a unique blend and ever-growing selection of premium cigars.

The Birth of Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta

An image showcasing the exquisite taste of Romeo y Julieta non-Cuban cigars, a premium choice for cigar enthusiasts.

The birth of non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars in 2003 marked a turning point for the brand, as this time it ventured beyond its Cuban roots to create an entirely new line of premium cigars, this time produced outside of Cuba with non Cuban Tobaccos farmed in the Dominican Republic and later in the Nicaraguan Volcanic regions. This move allowed Romeo y Julieta to diversify its offerings and cater to a wider audience, while maintaining its commitment to excellence and quality in cigar making.

The Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars are made with the same attention to detail and craftsmanship as the original Cuban cigars, but with a unique blend of tobaccos from different countries. This blend allows the brand to offer a variety of flavors and aromas, while still delivering the same quality.

Key Players in the Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta Market

While the non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta market is ever-evolving, several major players have played a pivotal role in shaping its landscape. Companies such as Arturo Fuente Cigars, Altadis, Davidoff, and Drew Estate have all contributed to the growth and success of non-Cuban cigars, ensuring their continued prominence in the world of premium cigars.

These companies have released a variety of blends, sizes, and shapes, allowing for a wide range of smoking experiences. From mild and mellow to full-bodied and robust, there is something for everyone in the Non-Cuban Cigars.

Iconic Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta Flavour Blends

A selection of Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta Cigars

As the world of non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars has expanded, so too has the variety of blends available to discerning cigar enthusiasts. Among these, three blends stand out as truly iconic: Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real, Romeo y Julieta 1875, and Romeo y Julieta Vintage. Each blend offers a unique flavor profile and smoking experience, showcasing the versatility and craftsmanship that have made Romeo y Julieta a renowned name in the world of cigars. These iconic blends offer a diverse range of flavours, including nutty, peppery, toffee, spicy, and creamy notes, adding to their complexity and richness.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the characteristics of these exceptional non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta blends, shedding light on what makes them so special and sought after by cigar aficionados worldwide.

Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real

A Beginner Cigar - Romeo and Julieta Reserva Real

The Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real blend stands out as a true masterpiece, offering a harmonious blend of Dominican Republic and Nicaragua tobaccos that come together to create a mild to medium full flavor cigar, boasting a rich and robust flavor profile. Every puff of this exquisite cigar delivers earthy undertones and a smooth tobacco aftertaste, with a peppery sweetness and hints of white pepper that linger on the palate.

Notably, the Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real is available in two new sizes that feature an aesthetically-pleasing barber-pole style with dual wrappers, adding an extra layer of visual appeal to an already outstanding cigar. This blend is a testament to the creativity, skill, and passion that goes into crafting each Romeo y Julieta cigar. The name: Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Twisted.

Romeo y Julieta 1875

Romeo and Julieta 1875 a medium flavor smoke!

A classic in the world of non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars, the Romeo y Julieta 1875 blend offers a medium-bodied smoking experience that is both smooth and complex. Crafted with a blend of Dominican Republic and Brazilian tobaccos over a Java from the Dominican Republic wrapper. This cigar delivers a creamy, earthy profile with light notes of cedar, coffee, and a background pepper flavor.

The Romeo y Julieta 1875 blend is offered in Robusto, Churchill, and Belicoso sizes, catering to a range of preferences and occasions. For those seeking a premium cigar that embodies the essence of Romeo y Julieta, the 1875 blend is an exceptional choice.

Romeo y Julieta Vintage

Mild to Medium smoke the perfect mix of spice and sweetness

For those who find they appreciate a milder smoking experience, the Romeo y Julieta Vintage blend offers a delicate balance of spice and sweetness, with subtle notes of cedar, caramel, cashews, and cocoa. This mild to mild to medium-bodied cigar is crafted with a blend of Ecuador Connecticut wrapper and Mexico and Dominican tobaccos as fillers and binders, the result providing a smooth and creamy profile that is sure to delight the senses.

Available in Robusto, Churchill, and Belicoso sizes, the Romeo y Julieta Vintage blend caters to a variety of tastes and preferences, making it an excellent choice for both novice and experienced cigar enthusiasts alike.

Popular Sizes and Shapes

As with any premium cigar brand, non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars are available in a variety of sizes and shapes to suit the preferences of cigar aficionados worldwide. From the classic Churchill and Corona to the more contemporary Robusto and Belicoso, there is a size and shape to cater to every taste and occasion. Additionally, these cigars are offered at an accessible price point, making fine cigars available to a wider range of customers.

In the following sections, we will explore the popular sizes and shapes of non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars, delving into the unique characteristics and flavor profiles that define each one.


The Robusto size is a popular choice among non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars, measuring 5 inches in length with a ring gauge of 50. This rounded parejo-shaped cigar offers a medium-bodied flavor profile, with hints of cedar, leather, and spice that are sure to entice the palate.

With its medium strength, the Robusto is an excellent choice for those seeking a powerful yet balanced smoking experience that showcases the complexity and depth of flavors found in Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars.


Named after the iconic British statesman Winston Churchill, the Churchill size in non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars is a testament to elegance and refinement. Measuring 7 inches in length and 47 ring gauge, this medium to full-strength cigar offers a rich and satisfying smoking experience.

The flavor profile of the Churchill features powerful notes of cedar, leather, and spice, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a sophisticated and complex smoke that can be savored during special events or moments of quiet contemplation.


For those who appreciate a more tapered and elegant shape, the Belicoso size in Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars is a perfect choice. Measuring 5.5 inches in length and 52 ring gauge, this distinctive cigar is crafted with a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, offering a medium-bodied smoke with a smooth, creamy flavor.

The Belicoso's flavor profile features notes of cedar, leather, and spice, providing a refined and satisfying smoking experience that captures the essence of Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars.


A cigar shop displaying Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta Cigars

Now that you've discovered the world of non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars, you may be wondering where you can purchase these premium cigars. Fear not, for today there are several online retailers such as the website, that offer a wide selection of non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars for your enjoyment.

In the following sections, we will discuss the advantages of purchasing non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars from brick-and-mortar stores, as well as the age verification and shipping processes for buying these cigars online.

Brick-and-Mortar Stores

Sseating outside patio of Cuenca Cigars smoking non-Cuban Cigars. Rafael Nodal, Javier Estades and Miguel A Cuenca

There are several advantages to purchasing non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars from brick-and-mortar stores. For one, you have the opportunity to personally inspect and evaluate the cigars before making a purchase, ensuring that they are free from any imperfections or damage that may have occurred during shipping or storage.

Additionally, shopping in person allows you to benefit from personalized recommendations and advice from knowledgeable staff, who can guide you toward the perfect cigar based on your preferences and experience level. Plus, there's something special about the tactile experience of browsing and selecting cigars in person, taking the time to find the perfect cigar to suit your needs.

Age Verification and Shipping

Be Ready to show ID while Purchasing Cigars

When purchasing Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars online, it's important to be aware of the age verification process and shipping options. The age verification process may differ depending on the seller and the country, with some vendors requiring customers to be a minimum of 18 years old, while others may require a minimum age of 21. Certain vendors may also request a copy of a valid ID to verify the buyer's age.

Shipping options for non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars can also vary depending on the seller and the country. Some sellers may offer free shipping, while others may charge a fee. Additionally, expedited shipping may be available for an extra fee, ensuring that your cigars arrive promptly and in perfect condition.

Romeo y Julieta Cigar AJ Fernandez Collaborations

A selection of AJ Fernandez Collaboration Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta Cigars

In addition to the iconic blends and sizes offered by non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars, the brand has also embarked on a series of exciting collaborations with renowned cigar maker AJ Fernandez. These collaborations showcase the combined expertise and passion of both Romeo y Julieta and AJ Fernandez, resulting in a range of cigars that offer unique and unforgettable smoking experiences. These collaborative cigars are celebrated for their complex and rich flavour profiles, including nutty, peppery, sweet, and creamy notes.

In the sections below, we will explore some of the various Romeo y Julieta cigar collaborations produced with AJ Fernandez, delving into the details of who produced each cigar and their distinct flavor profiles.

Romeo y Julieta Crafted by AJ Fernandez cigars

The Romeo y Julieta Crafted by AJ Fernandez cigars are a testament to the skill and artistry that goes into every collaboration between these two renowned brands. This line of cigars offers a medium-bodied flavor profile characterized by notes of cedar, leather, and spice, providing a luxurious and memorable smoking experience.

Available in Robusto, Churchill, and Belicoso sizes, the Romeo y Julieta Crafted by AJ Fernandez cigars cater to a wide range of preferences and occasions, making them an excellent choice for those seeking a premium cigar with an unconventional flavor profile.

Romeo RyJ 1875 Nicaragua

The Romeo RyJ 1875 Nicaragua collaboration is another example of the exceptional partnership between Romeo y Julieta and AJ Fernandez. Crafted as a Nicaraguan puro, this cigar features tobacco from the Jalapa, Esteli, and Condega regions, resulting in a unique and complex flavor profile.

With an aroma of cedar, honey sweetness, subtle mint, leather, sweet hay, and earth, the Romeo RyJ 1875 Nicaragua is a medium-intensity cigar that offers a truly enjoyable smoking experience. Rated at 88, this collaboration showcases the impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail that defines both Romeo y Julieta and AJ Fernandez.

Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua

The Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua is yet another example of the fruitful collaboration between Romeo Y Julieta and AJ Fernandez. This medium-bodied cigar boasts a complex flavor profile that includes notes of graham cracker, cinnamon, and a peppery sweetness that lingers after each puff.

Offered in Robusto, Churchill, and Belicoso sizes, the Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua is a testament to the harmony that can be achieved when two passionate brands join forces to create a truly remarkable cigar.

Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Connecticut Nicaragua

Last, but certainly not least, is the Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Connecticut Nicaragua collaboration. This unique cigar is crafted with Nicaraguan tobacco and wrapped with a Connecticut leaf, resulting in a harmonious combination of the earthy, spicy sweetness of Nicaraguan tobacco and the creamy smoothness of the Connecticut leaf.

Available in Robusto, Churchill, and Belicoso sizes, the Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Connecticut Nicaragua offers a toasty and cedary flavor that is sure to delight both novice and experienced cigar enthusiasts alike.

Cigar Aficionado Ratings

Cigar Aficionado ratings are an important aspect to consider when evaluating the quality and appeal of non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars. These ratings provide an assessment of the construction, flavor, and overall smoking experience of cigars on a scale of 70-100, with higher scores indicative of superior quality.

Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars have achieved notable ratings from Cigar Aficionado, with scores ranging from 70-100. For instance, the Romeo by Romeo y Julieta Piramide scored an impressive 94, while the Romeo y Julieta Aniversario Corona achieved a score of 92. These ratings serve as a testament to the exceptional quality and craftsmanship that define non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars.


Throughout this blog post, we have explored the fascinating world of non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars, delving into their origins, iconic blends, popular sizes and shapes, purchasing options, and collaborations with AJ Fernandez. As we have seen, these premium cigars offer a diverse and exciting alternative to traditional Cuban cigars, providing aficionados with a wealth of flavors and experiences to savor and enjoy.

Whether you're a seasoned cigar enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of premium cigars, Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars offer an unparalleled opportunity to discover the artistry, craftsmanship, and passion that goes into each and every cigar. So go ahead, light up a Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigar, and embark on a journey of flavor and sophistication that will leave you craving more.

Are all Romeo and Juliet cigars Cuban?

No, not all of them, Romeo y Julieta is a brand of premium cigars, currently owned by Imperial Brands. The brand is currently owned by two Imperial Brands subsidiaries, Habanos S.A. in Cuba and Altadis in the Dominican Republic. wiki Romeo & Julieta (cigar) - Wikipedia are Cuban; while they are made in both Cuba and the Dominican Republic, only Cuban-made Romeo & Julieta cigars have the unique flavor and character that sets them apart.

Is Romeo y Julieta Cuban or Dominican?

Romeo y Julieta cigars are a Cuban classic that has been made by Tabacalera de Garcia in the Dominican Republic since the late 1990s. As such, Romeo y Julieta cigars are now considered Dominican cigars. There are also new Romeo and Julieta cigars Nicaraguan Handmade.

Are Cuban Cigars the same as non Cuban Cigars?

Cuban cigars are crafted from Cuban tobacco, creating a distinct flavor and body that cannot be replicated by non-Cuban cigars. Other cigars contain Cuban-seed tobacco in their blends and they are crafted with excellence following Cuban traditional blending methods and incredible attention to detail. Those who appreciate the nuances of tobacco flavor will find that tobacco blending outside Cuba is taking a step further in quality, flavor, and construction. The world of cigars outside Cuba has grown and perfected to a point they can emulate the best of Cuban Cigars.

How can you tell a fake Cuban Romeo y Julieta?

I advise against buying Cuban cigars due to their high prices. Counter cigars are likely to be purchased, especially in Romeo y Julieta and Cohiba. However, if you do decide to buy them, be prepared to inspect them carefully. Specifically, when checking a Cuban Romeo y Julieta, look for three raised gold coins on both sides of the center where the name Romeo y Julieta is located, and look out for any imperfections or flatness of the coins, as these are signs of a fake cigar.

Additionally, examine the silhouettes of the faces to ensure they are raised and detailed. If not, it may be a counterfeit.