Discover the Best EP Carrillo Cigars for Your Collection in 2024
Posted by Ana Cuenca on Oct 29, 2024
The American Dream – a concept woven into the fabric of the United States, built on the foundation of hard work and perseverance. It’s a story that resonates with many, and for Ernesto Perez Carrillo, it’s a tale that embodies his journey in the cigar industry to create ep carrillo cigars. Today, we celebrate the Pledge of Allegiance 2023 limited edition release, a tribute to the American Dream and the legacy of Ernesto Perez Carrillo and his ep carrillo cigars.
- Celebrate 2023 with E.P Carrillo Cigars, honoring the legacy of Ernesto Perez-Carrillo and his commitment to excellence in cigar-making.
- The limited edition Pledge of Allegiance series is a tribute to the US featuring premium tobaccos from Dominican, Nicaraguan & USA leaves for an unforgettable flavor profile.
- Elencos cigars are another limited offering that has earned high regard among customers for their quality and flavor as well as customer service
Born into a family with over a century of experience in the cigar industry, Ernesto Perez Carrillo inherited a wealth of knowledge and passion for the craft. Driven by his Cuban roots and a relentless pursuit of excellence, Carrillo revolutionized the cigar world with his innovative blends and unique approach to cigar making.
Guided by his vision, the E.P. Carrillo brand soared to new heights, gaining critical acclaim for its Cuba Aliados and San Cristobal cigars.
In the early 1990s, Ernesto Perez Carrillo made a bold move, relocating from Cuba to Nicaragua. This decision would prove pivotal to his career, opening doors to new tobacco varieties and opportunities for growth. In Nicaragua, Carrillo introduced the E.P. Carrillo Elencos, a testament to his ability to adapt and innovate.
As Ernesto’s success continued to flourish, the Carrillo family legacy remained an integral part of the brand’s identity. Passed down from generation to generation, the family’s dedication to the craft is evident in every cigar they create.
The Perez-Carrillo family has been a cornerstone of the cigar industry for over a century, with each generation contributing their own unique skills and expertise. Today, Ernesto’s daughter, Lissette Perez Carrillo, plays an active role in the family business, helping to ensure the brand’s continued success and growth.
The art of crafting Carrillo cigars is a delicate blend of traditional Cuban techniques and modern innovations. Each cigar is crafted with the utmost care using the finest tobaccos from around the world, carefully blended to create a unique flavor profile.
The Carrillo Pledge Series, a limited edition release commemorating the 2023 anniversary of the E.P. Carrillo brand, is a shining example of the family’s commitment to excellence.
At the heart of every E.P. Carrillo cigar lies a masterful blend of tobaccos, expertly handcrafted under the watchful eye of Ernesto Perez Carrillo himself. Every step in the process is meticulously overseen from the fields to the factory floor to ensure the utmost quality and consistency. Carrillo’s Tabacalera Alianza factory in the Dominican Republic is a testament to this dedication to craftsmanship.
The unique combination of tobacco and wrappers used in Carrillo cigars sets them apart from the competition. From the rich, robust flavor of the Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper to the sweet, creamy profile provided by the Ecuadorian Connecticut binder, each component adds depth and complexity to the final product.
E.P. Carrillo Cigars was born from the brilliant mind of Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, a true legend in the world of cigars. Years ago, Perez-Carrillo crafted one of the most extraordinary cigars of all time: La Gloria Cubana. Some credit E.P. Carrillo with kick-starting the Cigar Boom through this remarkable creation, which eventually found its way into the hands of one of the world's largest tobacco companies.
Today, E.P. Carrillo Cigars offers a delightful range of medium to full-bodied handmade cigars, carefully enveloped in meticulously selected wrappers. These wrappers boast a dark hue, with a luscious, oily texture, deriving from a minimum 3-year aging process. The blend is thoughtfully crafted using aged Nicaraguan and Dominican long-filler tobacco, resulting in a smoke that is both rich and creamy. The flavor profile of these cigars is marvelously intricate, featuring earthy undertones and subtle hints of sweet pepper. Notably, this cigar has received top accolades from esteemed publishers, solidifying its place among the finest in the industry.
Grown in the open sunlight of the Connecticut River Valley, the Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper is renowned for its dark brown Maduro leaves and rich, intricate flavor profile. The leaves are fermented for several weeks, resulting in a wrapper that imparts notes of dark chocolate and leather, as well as hints of minerals and steel.
This exceptional wrapper is a key component in the Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance 2023 cigar, which features a four-nation blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and USA premium tobacco leaves, enveloped in an Ecuadorian Connecticut binder and a USA Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper.
The Ecuadorian Connecticut binder is another crucial element in the construction of Carrillo cigars. Sweeter than US-grown Connecticut Shade, this golden-blond binder contributes to a sweet and creamy profile with toasty notes of leather, cedar, and pepper.
Used in the Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance, the Ecuadorian Connecticut binder works in harmony with the Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and the blend of fillers to create a unique and enjoyable smoking experience for seasoned connoisseurs and newcomers alike.
The Carrillo Pledge series features a distinctive blend of American tobaccos, including two American-grown varieties: Virginia and Maryland. Long prized for their robust flavor and aroma, these tobaccos have a storied history dating back to the Chesapeake Bay colonies of Virginia and Maryland.
The inclusion of these American-grown tobaccos in the Carrillo Pledge series imparts an intense and intricate flavor profile, showcasing the rich heritage and craftsmanship that goes into every E.P. Carrillo cigar.
The Carrillo Pledge series is a celebration of the American Dream and a tribute to the unwavering pursuit of excellence embodied in Ernesto Perez Carrillo’s journey. Featuring the Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance, a medium-bodied cigar boasting a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, an Ecuadorian Connecticut binder, and two American grown tobaccos, this limited edition release is a true testament to the Carrillo brand’s commitment to quality.
Available in mid-June, just in time for the Fourth of July celebrations, the Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance 2023 is the perfect way to honor the spirit of the United States and the legacy of one of the world’s most esteemed cigar brands.
The Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance cigar is a tribute to the United States of America and its citizens. It honors the spirit of the American Dream and those striving to achieve it. This medium to full-bodied blend features a combination of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and USA premium tobacco leaves, housed in an Ecuadorian Connecticut binder and cloaked by a USA Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper.
The accompanying band on the E.P. Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance 2023 cigar is akin to the bands found on La Historia, Encore, Pledge of allegiance 2023, and Allegiance, E.P.C.’s most successful products, further solidifying the pledge of allegiance 2023 and its place in the Carrillo legacy.
The Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance cigar is a complex and flavorful blend, exhibiting a medium to full body with a variety of flavors and nuances. These include notes of spice, nuts, sweetness, black coffee, oak, black cherry, and black pepper, in addition to cocoa nibs, milk, dark chocolate sweetness, leather, creamy cedar, hay, barnyard, rich earth, dark cocoa, and stone fruit.
The blend of premium tobaccos in the Pledge of Allegiance cigar is designed for experienced connoisseurs, with initial hints of sweet spice that develop into rich notes of cocoa, earth, and a subtle hint of leather.
The limited edition 2023 release of the Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance cigar is set to be released in mid-June, just in time for the Fourth of July celebrations. A tribute to the United States, the Americana-styled boxes are colored in red, white, and dark blue with a white arc of stars, and are a limited edition to 1,776 boxes to mark the year of US independence.
This special, limited edition of cigar is a fitting representation of the American Dream that Ernesto Perez-Carrillo had the privilege to experience, and a tribute to the pursuit of dreams embodied in Ernesto’s remarkable journey to the U.S. where he constructed one of the world’s most esteemed cigar brands from the ground up.
First released by Ernesto Carrillo as a limited edition cigar in 2010, the E.P. Carrillo Elencos cigars are another popular offering from the Carrillo brand. Manufactured at E.P. Carrillo’s factory Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican Republic, these cigars feature a Brazilian wrapper, Ecuadorian binder, and Nicaraguan filler.
The blend of premium tobaccos in the Elencos cigars is intended for experienced connoisseurs, showcasing the complexity and power that are hallmarks of the Carrillo brand.
With numerous glowing testimonials accessible online, it’s clear that the EP Carrillo Pledge Series cigars have made a lasting impression on cigar enthusiasts. Customers commend not only the exceptional quality and flavor of the cigars, but also the outstanding customer service provided by the E.P. Carrillo team.
From the intricate artistry of the Pledge of Allegiance cigar to the timeless appeal of the Elencos line, E.P. Carrillo has earned its place among the world’s finest cigar brands, garnering praise and admiration from aficionados across the globe.
The E.P. Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance 2023 limited edition release is a fitting tribute to the American Dream and the remarkable journey of Ernesto Perez Carrillo. With its rich history, commitment to quality, and innovative blends, the Carrillo brand has earned its place among the world’s most respected cigar makers. As we celebrate the spirit of the United States with the Pledge of Allegiance cigar, let us also raise a toast to the pursuit of dreams and the legacy of E.P. Carrillo.
What is a Habano Wrapper?
A Habano wrapper is a cigar wrapper grown in Cuba and other countries like Nicaragua and Ecuador. Notable for its darker color, the Habano wrapper creates an intensely flavored cigar, with an aroma reminiscent of earthy spices, leather, wood, and coffee beans.
The Habano wrapper tobacco is prized for its unique flavor profile, which is often described as being bold and complex. It is also known for its ability to hold in the smoke, creating a longer and more intense smoke.
What is the difference between Habano and Corojo wrappers?
Habano and Corojo wrappers are derived from the same type of seed. However, they differ in origin. Habano is cultivated in Nicaragua, while Corojo is grown in Honduras.
Both offer a similar flavor profile, but many believe Corojo offers a richer and fuller taste than Habano.
What is a Nicaraguan Wrapper?
A Nicaraguan wrapper is a type of cigar wrapper made with leaves grown and cultivated in Nicaragua’s volcanic Esteli and Jalapa Valley regions. These wrappers are known for their unique taste, aroma and quality, making them the ideal choice for those wanting an unforgettable experience.
Try a Nicaraguan wrapper today!
Who makes La Gloria Cubana?
Both Habanos SA makes La Gloria Cubana, the Cuban state-owned tobacco company, and El Credito Cigar Company, a subsidiary of General Cigar Company. Originally created in 1972 at the El Credito cigar factory in Miami, it was taken over in 1980 by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, who has since been creating La Gloria Cubana’s unique premium blend of cigars.
Perez-Carrillo has been credited with creating the modern version of La Gloria Cubana, which is known for its full-bodied flavor and complex aroma. The cigars are made with a blend of Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Honduran tobaccos.
Is La Gloria Cubana a Cuban Cigar?
Yes, La Gloria Cubana is a Cuban cigar. It is one of the oldest brands from Cuba, being introduced in 1885 and hand-made (hecho a mano), with various long sizes available. Since 1965, La Gloria Cubana has been known for its exceptional quality, crafted with a blend of Cuban-seed tobaccos from the renowned Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba. Ernesto Perez Carrillo first introduced another remarkable La Gloria Cubana at his factory, El Credito, located in Miami, Florida. Today, this legendary brand continues to thrive under General Cigars, who acquired the USA blend in 1999 and now operates from the Dominican Republic.